My First Quarter: Sarai Camacho
My advice for new students would be to dive deep. What I mean by that is to expose yourself to everything you can handle to figure out what you want. Do all the clubs and organizations that you...
My First Quarter: Sherybel Berrios-Ramos
What has been your most memorable quarter at Life U? My experience in Life University has been nothing short of amazing. There are a lot of things that I cherish from all my time here on campus...
My First Quarter: Christian M. Figueroa Hidalgo
10th quarter DC student from San Juan, Puerto Rico. What has been your most memorable quarter at Life U? My most memorable quarter has been 10th quarter. I started serving at the Outpatient...
My First Quarter: Seema Chavis
B.S in Exercise Science student, Life U Women’s Swim Team member “Swimming Toward Success”...
My First Quarter: Lexy Foster
D.C. student, Treasurer of The Endocannoboid System club (ECS) “Life U- Where My Heart Belongs” What made your first quarter at Life U memorable? My friendships and the bonds that I created...
My First Quarter: Ally Lee
D.C. student, Vice President of International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) club, Secretary for the Motion Palpation club “Hitting the (school) clubs”...
My First Quarter- Eliorgie Rodriguez
D.C. student, President of Delta Sigma Chi (outside organization), KTC President, Previous Treasurer of the Hispanic Chiropractic Club and Philosophy and Communication Club...
My First Quarter- Paul Adams
D.C. student and President of the Blair Upper Cervical Technique Club “Sending the elevator down”...
My First Quarter- Kimberly Hackney
D.C. student, Secretary for Student LIFEforce and Treasurer of the Sacro Occipital Technic Club. “Stepping into a collaborative student body”...
My First Quarter- Nate Deitz
The most memorable thing about my first quarter was just meeting so many like-minded people in their own communities. It’s such a different culture here at Life U. Everybody is so happy and so...
My First Quarter- Jeremy Cerha
I love how many people are in the same [chiropractic] program. You will see people from first quarter all the way up to 14th quarter. We are all in the same boat, all rooting each other on, and...
My First Quarter- Keely Nguyen
I would honestly say it’s the close friend group that I made. I made all my best friends at orientation. We are all still really close now. But because I was part of the ‘Covid Quarter,’ I had...
My First Quarter- Cortney Blake
I honestly never got to see Life University campus before I came here. It was a really quick turnaround for me. I was wanting to go to medical school originally but then when Covid19 hit, I...
My First Quarter- Jenna Salyer
The best advice is to talk to people. Don’t be afraid to meet everybody. Don’t think that you are the only one thinking ‘Oh, I don’t know anybody. I don’t know anything.’ Because everybody is...
My First Quarter- Laxmi Shah
Specifically, if you want to get into the D.C. program, you need to know what your ‘Why?’ is. Why do you want to do Chiropractic? What are you going to do with it? What kind of chiropractor do...
My First Quarter- Natalia Marchany
D.C student “Finding pieces of home at Life U” What made your first quarter at Life U so memorable? The most important part was the way that the students helped each other. Even though we...
My First Quarter- Joseph Trovato
I think that what made my first quarter at Life U memorable was meeting a lot of upper quarter students who are very influential and introducing me to different techniques and different clubs and...
My First Quarter- Ayman Mahmoud
Diversity is the first thing that comes to mind. But more importantly, it’s a platform where Muslims get to represent themselves, which isn’t always the case in some media sources. Also,...
My First Quarter- Heather Garrison
I liked being able to come into such a close-knit program and community. Everyone was very like-minded. Everyone here is so passionate about chiropractic. It was a big shift coming, going from...
My First Quarter- Jullien Womack
B.S Exercise Science student; Prospective D.C. student “From a friend’s recommendation to a Life U foundation” Jullien Womack is a fun-loving husband, father and Army veteran who is excited...
My 1st Quarter – Danielle Albright
Be open. Make sure you’re diverse. We do have an [unspoken] rule where if you see somebody on campus to say, “Hi,” to get used to talking to people you don’t know. Enjoy it; have fun. That’s all...
My 1st Quarter – Shani Tyson
Everything was new. I’m originally from California, so coming all the way to Georgia, I was able to see a lot more green than before in my hometown. Just getting familiar with the area, it was...
My 1st Quarter – Citlali Salas-Abrego
I am currently in my second quarter at Life U. In my first quarter, I would have to say attending the different activities that [Life U] offers made it memorable. I went to the Philosophy Night...
My 1st Quarter – Tunahan Olcay
I’m a transfer student from Turkey. I studied for three years over there. When I started [at Life U] about three years ago, I found all my professors very helpful. For a transfer student, that is...
My 1st Quarter: Menika Brady
What we are meant to do is always going to be so much bigger than us, so stay focused on that bigger picture. It’s less about myself and more about how I can serve others. When we do that, the...
My 1st Quarter: Tatum Johnson
Take every opportunity you can. Join the clubs you never thought you liked. One time I sat in on the Nutrition Club with one of my teammates and even though I am not in any dietetics classes, I...
My 1st Quarter: Haley Turpin
Trust yourself. You know your passion. You are being guided by something bigger than you that is leading you down the perfect route for you to thrive, to be supported and to be loved. Once you...
My 1st Quarter: Alexis Martinez
Communicating with your professors is important, and that it's not going to be easy. It's definitely going to get harder as you go, but that's not a reason to stop or to quit; the reward is...
My 1st Quarter: Dr. Jesus Rolon Pagan
Organize a little bit better. How you organize your time is really important with a calendar. Balance is really important....
My 1st Quarter: Jess Keating
Take every opportunity you can. Just take every single opportunity and live your life. You’re in college – these are the “fun” years....
My 1st Quarter: Sydney Bickmeyer
I think I would just tell my younger self to start building connections with professors a little bit sooner and go to office hours. Shadow doctors in your free time. Try new clubs. Keep an open...
My 1st Quarter: Crystal Cale
I think I would just tell my younger self to relax and not worry. That it was going to be exactly what I needed it to be. I made a great choice, and I would want to enjoy it....
My 1st Quarter: Tracy Lefebre
Relax into being yourself. You are learning the knowledge, but we all bring the things we have already experienced in life....
My 1st Quarter: Melody Zurawski
I would probably tell myself to not lose the joy I have for learning and to make sure that I have better study habits in place and have more of a routine. Especially for a doctorate level...
My 1st Quarter: Chantelle Frazier
You are going to have your bad days, but you’re also going to have your good days. You will make it through. There is a finish line. Stay the course....
My 1st Quarter: Claude Maysonet
You might have some downfalls sometimes, sometimes you might not be doing as you want to, but just overcome that. Don't give up and you'll eventually manage it, you'll succeed....
My 1st Quarter: Stephen Hill
The advice I would probably tell myself is to take it a little more serious and just do the little things every day. It's kind of like the snowball effect in a way, or compound interest. You do a...
My 1st Quarter: Gabriel Kelly
Lean on your friends. Having somebody to go over something with – if you're talking about an arm, there's an arm....
My 1st Quarter: Amber Jackson
I would tell myself, "Don't give up. Things are going to be hard, but they're going to be hard for a reason, and they're going to be necessary and are all growth opportunities. Do not run from...
My 1st Quarter: Christian Barreto
I would tell my younger self to find a way to divide his time into things that make him feel valuable....
My 1st Quarter: Mikey Provost
I would tell my younger self to figure out how you study best. We are all very different learners. ...
My 1st Quarter: Kimberly Smith-Howard
I guess that's what I would want to tell my other self, my former self is, "You're enough. You are good enough. You can do this and the sky is the limit."...
My 1st Quarter: Nick Shelby
I would tell my younger self that it's okay with the idea that you’re going to come out of school with some debt, and that the purpose of school is not to graduate with as little debt as possible...
My 1st Quarter: Victoria Petruzzella
I would tell my younger self that it's okay to fail. That's something that I had to learn the hard way. But it's okay to fail....
My 1st Quarter: Jesslian Rosa Rosado
The advice I would give to my younger self is that it's okay not to have everything figured out at first because putting a lot of pressure on yourself is going to make you want to drop or lose...
My 1st Quarter: Kallie Corbin
I would tell my younger self to be open-minded and to not just the box that you're comfortable with....
My 1st Quarter: Kjell Paris
Advice I would give to my younger self includes being open minded and as outgoing as possible. At that point, the universe is going to take care of you because whatever you put out there is what...
My 1st Quarter: Cheyanne Nance-Butler
If I had to give myself advice as a high school student, I would say just keep doing what you’re doing. In high school I was very determined; I had a game plan in mind, and I knew exactly what I...