
Category: Features

College Cost Slice Of Life Blog Post Template1l
Features, Slice of LIFE

Is Going to College Worth the Cost?

According to an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) on April 22, 2024, titled “Some Colleges Soon Charge $100,000  (or more) per year. How did this Happen?”, many colleges are considering raising their fees and are looking at raising tuition rates close to $100,000…

Vet Success Life U Slice Of Life Blog Post Template1l
Features, Slice of LIFE

A Commitment to Veterans’ Success and Well-being

Life University has long been recognized for its commitment to providing exceptional education and fostering a supportive community for all students. This commitment extends to the brave men and women who have served our country, and it is with great pride that we announce Life U’s recent partnership with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR).