Pursuing a degree is a time of tremendous transition for most students. What made your first quarter at LIFE memorable?

Aside from being overwhelming, it was memorable because I was in a class with 200 people. That provided a lot of opportunities to build relationships. I wasn’t the most outgoing individual, but some of those friendships were really important to transition back into school life.


It was great having some of the professors really care for the students, and it wasn’t “Oh I’m in a class, and I am invisible,” but really feeling like they saw you and were excited for your future individually.


What surprised you during your first quarter at LIFE?

I didn’t realize that in order to become a chiropractor I was going to become a Doctor. I never really connected the dots beyond “I want to adjust people” to “I am going to be a healthcare practitioner, so I need to know all the things and all the basic science that goes into that. That surprised me the most.


What advice would you give to your younger self about college that you didn’t know before starting at LIFE?

I would probably tell myself to not lose the joy I have for learning and to make sure that I have better study habits in place and have more of a routine. Especially for a doctorate level program, mindset and routine is everything.


Describe your first quarter in three words

Challenging. Exciting. Life-changing.



My 1st Quarter is a new campaign featuring students reflecting on their 1st quarter of studies at Life University and why it was so special and unique. All University students (undergraduates, graduates and D.C.) are encouraged to share their experiences in order to help those in future incoming classes get a real-life glimpse of what they can expect as they start a new chapter of their education journeys at LIFE.