10th quarter DC student from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

What has been your most memorable quarter at Life U? 

My most memorable quarter has been 10th quarter. I started serving at the Outpatient clinic. Being able to serve the public and the Chiropractic profession has been amazing. I’ve been learning so much from my Unit doctors, faculty, and colleagues. I am forever grateful.

What led you to be interested in studying at Life U?

What led me to study at Life University was their strong beliefs in Vitalism. I was raised with this belief without knowing it. I also experienced huge benefits to my athletic career once I started Chiropractic care back in 2018. I was deciding whether to quit sports due to an injury. Chiropractic gave me hope and led me to extend my athletic career for four more years. I decided to retire to focus on my career.

Tell us about your experiences with (clubs, sports, and professional organizations related to your time at Life U etc)
I started by doing track and field since quarter 1. My biggest achievement was becoming the Mid-South Conference 3,000m steeplechase champion and supporting my team to become National Team Champions since 2002. Life’s sports program and community are great and supportive. The resources they provided set the team up for success. I loved traveling and competing alongside the track and field family. After I retired from the track I had extra time, so I decided to become a PAL leader to assist students with those high-demanding classes. I specifically assist Spanish-speaking students in Normrad 1 and X-ray physics. Here I discovered my passion for teaching. The Academic Learning Center has been more than supportive. They are understanding and will make projects happen to support students in need of academic resources. By 7th quarter I decided to apply to become a Student Ambassador. I work directly with prospective students by hosting tours, Life Leadership Weekend, and other activities. This helped me develop public speaking and interpersonal skills and created an astonishing professional portfolio.

What advice would you give to a new or prospective Life U student?
My piece of advice to give to a new prospective student is to follow your gut. There is so much to offer in the Chiropractic field and Life U provides those opportunities. The diversity of students, techniques, and professionals all around the campus would inspire you to become the best version of yourself. You will find your path and your passion, just take some time to explore.
What are some of your post-graduation plans?
My post-graduation plans would be to work in a family practice and see all audiences. I also want to inspire future Chiropractors in the profession and become a leader in my community, the profession, and the world. I would serve in different areas, such as health care, research, community service, and personal development. How? I don’t know. When? When time decides.