
My 1st Quarter

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My First Quarter: Lexy Foster

D.C. student, Treasurer of The Endocannoboid System club (ECS) “Life U- Where My Heart Belongs”    What made your first quarter at Life U memorable?  My friendships and the bonds that I created...

My First Quarter- Nate Deitz

The most memorable thing about my first quarter was just meeting so many like-minded people in their own communities. It’s such a different culture here at Life U. Everybody is so happy and so...

My First Quarter- Jeremy Cerha

I love how many people are in the same [chiropractic] program. You will see people from first quarter all the way up to 14th quarter. We are all in the same boat, all rooting each other on, and...

My First Quarter- Keely Nguyen

I would honestly say it’s the close friend group that I made. I made all my best friends at orientation. We are all still really close now. But because I was part of the ‘Covid Quarter,’ I had...

My First Quarter- Jenna Salyer

The best advice is to talk to people. Don’t be afraid to meet everybody. Don’t think that you are the only one thinking ‘Oh, I don’t know anybody. I don’t know anything.’ Because everybody is...

My First Quarter- Laxmi Shah

Specifically, if you want to get into the D.C. program, you need to know what your ‘Why?’ is. Why do you want to do Chiropractic? What are you going to do with it? What kind of chiropractor do...

My 1st Quarter – Shani Tyson

Everything was new. I’m originally from California, so coming all the way to Georgia, I was able to see a lot more green than before in my hometown. Just getting familiar with the area, it was...

My 1st Quarter: Menika Brady

What we are meant to do is always going to be so much bigger than us, so stay focused on that bigger picture. It’s less about myself and more about how I can serve others. When we do that, the...

My 1st Quarter: Tatum Johnson

Take every opportunity you can. Join the clubs you never thought you liked. One time I sat in on the Nutrition Club with one of my teammates and even though I am not in any dietetics classes, I...

My 1st Quarter: Haley Turpin

Trust yourself. You know your passion. You are being guided by something bigger than you that is leading you down the perfect route for you to thrive, to be supported and to be loved. Once you...

My 1st Quarter: Stephen Hill

The advice I would probably tell myself is to take it a little more serious and just do the little things every day. It's kind of like the snowball effect in a way, or compound interest. You do a...

My 1st Quarter: Amber Jackson

I would tell myself, "Don't give up. Things are going to be hard, but they're going to be hard for a reason, and they're going to be necessary and are all growth opportunities. Do not run from...

My 1st Quarter: Nick Shelby

I would tell my younger self that it's okay with the idea that you’re going to come out of school with some debt, and that the purpose of school is not to graduate with as little debt as possible...

My 1st Quarter: Kjell Paris

Advice I would give to my younger self includes being open minded and as outgoing as possible. At that point, the universe is going to take care of you because whatever you put out there is what...