Marietta, Georgia, April 23, 2020 – Life University’s Center for Chiropractic Research (CCR) recently launched a COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) resource website. The resource site – designed with chiropractors in mind – provides links to government agencies and chiropractic-specific organizations, resources for practicing chiropractors, and scientific abstracts of chiropractic and immune system related research.

According to Dr. Stephanie Sullivan, the director of the CCR, the site has been designed “as a living resource” that is updated as more information becomes available. In addition to chiropractic-specific organization links, the COVID-19 resources page connects to relevant Centers for Disease Control, Georgia Department of Public Health and World Health Organization webpages and resources. Resources such as a downloadable symptom survey for tracking or screening patient symptoms, chiropractic interviews with leading researchers and upcoming Life University COVID-19 related research information have also been provided.

Finally, in an effort to provide an unbiased source of information and research related to the immune system and Chiropractic, the abstracts of scientific papers are presented in their original form along with source information and search methods.

To access the CCR’s resources webpage, please visit


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