
Category: Slice of LIFE

Fol Josie Cross
Faces of LIFE, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Josie Cross

Josie Cross (D.C.) previously served as Vice President of the Life U ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) club and currently serves as one of its secretaries. She expressed that she always wanted to work with kids, though not knowing what setting she wanted to work with kids in.

Dr. Shannon Good
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE – Dr. Shannon Good

Shannon Good, B.S., D.C., CACCP is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Chiropractic Sciences Department at Life University. Dr. Good is the oldest of two children. She and her younger brother are from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, where her parents and brother still live today. Dr. Good first became interested in Chiropractic when she was competing in gymnastics and under chiropractic care. Receiving this care led her to become a chiropractor.

Slice Counseling Services March2
Slice of LIFE

Counseling Services Available to Life U Students

To say that collegiate studies can be a little stressful is quite an understatement. Fear not, however, as Counseling Services at Life U are available to help students cope with stress in healthy ways. In order to help make sure that our student body understands the resources available to them, here is an outline of our counseling programs and workshops.

Slice World Of Flavor March1
Slice of LIFE

A World of Flavors Courtesy of National Nutrition Month

The theme for 2022 is “Celebrate a World of Flavors.” Life U is making a point to celebrate with delicious and diverse flair, holding several events to kick off this amazing month of health and wellness. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (also known as Eat Right) promotes National Nutrition Month annually each March to invite people “to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.”

M1q Daneille Albright
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter – Danielle Albright

Be open. Make sure you’re diverse. We do have an [unspoken] rule where if you see somebody on campus to say, “Hi,” to get used to talking to people you don’t know. Enjoy it; have fun. That’s all it is really about—having fun and making connections and to do what you have to do in the classroom. And if you are in a sport, do what you have to do in the sport and in the classroom as well.

Fol Danae Glanton
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Danae Glanton

Danae Glanton grew up in Ohio as the middle child between an older brother and a younger sister. She learned from a young age the importance of higher education from her parents. Her father, a first-generation immigrant from Ukraine, became a U.S. citizen as an adult. Through that experience, her father’s side of the family put much emphasis on getting a degree because those opportunities had not been available for generations past.

Slice Healthy Heart Feb23
Slice of LIFE

For a Happy, Healthy Heart

With Valentine’s Day this month, a happy heart can mean several different things. We talk of “matters of the heart” when what we really mean are “matters of the brain,” our psychological and emotional selves. But there is another form of a happy heart, which...
Slice Philosophy Night
Slice of LIFE

Philosophy Night at Life U

Philosophy Night is a no-cost speaker series hosting chiropractic leaders full of passion and insight to bestow on the next generation of chiropractic practitioners. Dr. LaMarche, the Vice President of University Advancement & Enrollment, is the founder of Philosophy Night at Life U, which gives students additional time outside of class to dive into what they hope to do in the world of Chiropractic and why they aspire to those goals.

Fol Stan Pierece
Faces of LIFE, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE – Stan Pierce, Jr., D.C.

Dr. Stan Pierce, Jr., D.C., is a fourth-generation chiropractor, the CEO of EPIC Clinics and Lead Instructor for the EPIC Technique Spinal Procedure. The name EPIC is an acronym for Evolutionary Percussive Instrument Correction. EPIC Clinics is the brainchild of Dr. Pierce and was born from his passion to do better.

Slice Black Mental Health Symposium
Black History Month, Slice of LIFE

Shining a Light on Black Mental Health

The Black History Month 2022 national theme is “Black Health and Wellness. In honor of the theme, Dr. Harrison Davis, Chief Diversity Officer at Life University (Life U), would like to shine a light on what is becoming a prevalent issue today. Life U will be hosting an online Symposium on Black Mental Health on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.