
Category: Slice of LIFE

Rina Rice
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Rina Rice

Native to Bessemer, Alabama, Rina Rice is a returning student forging a new career path for herself in the D.C. program. She is the proud mom of three children and currently has two grandkids. Her undergraduate program was in Sociology and Psychology, and she worked as a counselor for at-risk youth and family intervention for about 12 years.

Slice Earth Day Events
Slice of LIFE

Invest in Our Planet: Earth Day 2022 at Life U

Earth Day is coming up on Friday, April 22. The 2022 Earth Day theme is “Invest in Our Planet,” and in that spirit, many Life U students and student organizations are picking up trowels and signing up for Earth Day events. Green LIFE and Student...
Slice Thesis April13
Slice of LIFE

Constructing a Good Thesis Statement

A good thesis statement is useful for two reasons – first, if you can compress your thoughts clearly into a sentence or two, then your reader should not be able to miss or misinterpret the point you are trying to make; second, if you are sure that your paper is developing from a strong thesis, then you can always be sure that your argument will mean something to at least some audience (hopefully the one you want).

Slice Dr Faust
Slice of LIFE

Dr. Catherine M. Faust

Servant Leadership is how Dr. Catherine M. Faust will approach her new role as the Dean of the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS) at Life University (Life U). Faust has worked at Life U for the past 24 years, most recently as Associate...
Fol Dr Tom Le Lievre
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Dr. Tom Le Lievre

Dr. Tom Le Lievre was born in Jersey in the Channel Islands, a self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom (UK). As a student-athlete, Dr. Le Lievre became a patient of Jean-Pierre Meersseman, D.C., the former Medical Team Director at AC Milan football club, and developed an interest in Chiropractic through that experience.

Slice Life Flex
Slice of LIFE

What’s your Life (U) style? – LIFE Flex Overview

A flexible education schedule is a successful education schedule. LIFE Flex is an innovative approach to course delivery that provides students with flexibility and multiple learning opportunities. In Fall Quarter 2021, students had the ability for the first time to choose to engage with classes in three different learning...
Fol Erica Tomory
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Dr. Erica Tomory

Dr. Erica Tomory called Long Island, New York home for much of her life before moving to Georgia with her family when she was 32. Dr. Tomory’s older brother has been diagnosed with multiple disabilities, and watching her brother learning to navigate his environment with those challenges inspired her to delve deeper into education and, later, what service looks like for people with disabilities.