Constructing a Good Thesis Statement
A good thesis statement is useful for two reasons – first, if you can compress your thoughts clearly into a sentence or two, then your reader should not be able to miss or misinterpret the point you are trying to make; second, if you are sure that your paper is developing from a strong thesis, then you can always be sure that your argument will mean something to at least some audience (hopefully the one you want).
Dr. Catherine M. Faust
Faces of LIFE- Dr. Tom Le Lievre
Dr. Tom Le Lievre was born in Jersey in the Channel Islands, a self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom (UK). As a student-athlete, Dr. Le Lievre became a patient of Jean-Pierre Meersseman, D.C., the former Medical Team Director at AC Milan football club, and developed an interest in Chiropractic through that experience.
CareerFair4LIFE Networking for D.C. students and Attending Practices List
What’s your Life (U) style? – LIFE Flex Overview
Meet Dr. Michael Clusserath, Life University’s New Dean of the College of Chiropractic
Faces of LIFE- Dr. Erica Tomory
Dr. Erica Tomory called Long Island, New York home for much of her life before moving to Georgia with her family when she was 32. Dr. Tomory’s older brother has been diagnosed with multiple disabilities, and watching her brother learning to navigate his environment with those challenges inspired her to delve deeper into education and, later, what service looks like for people with disabilities.
League of Chiropractic Women Leading the Way for All Women
Making Spring Break Count
Here we are, that sweet spot between quarters allowing everyone to recuperate from term papers and late-night cram study sessions. You should never lose sight of the fact that break is break and should be about recharging those batteries, but it’s also incredibly easy to get to the end of any break from school with the realization that you’ve gotten a little too far from the day-to-day disciplines of school.
Healthy Video Game Habits
A day-to-day problem that we all face in the 21st century that earlier generations didn’t encounter (at least not in nearly the same way) is how we all have to monitor our “screen time” or how much time we spend at the computer or on our phone.
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