Faces of LIFE- Dr. Eric Parada

“The Way Back”

Life University often finds itself as a second home to those who cross its path at one point or another in their lives. Dr. Eric Parada, a 2014 graduate of Life University’s Doctor of Chiropractic program, can relate to that.  After graduating from Life U, Dr. Parada practiced Chiropractic in Columbia, South Carolina for his first year, followed by two and a half years in Pawleys Islands, just south of Myrtle Beach. And although he was making great strides in private practice, Dr. Parada received a call in 2017 that changed his life. He was asked to come back and teach at Life U, and he jumped at the chance to return to his alma mater as an Associate Professor of Chiropractic Sciences.

“It was very surreal—coming back and being considered a colleague of professors that I remember sitting hours in these seats learning from. But I was welcomed with open arms, and it’s been an absolutely great opportunity and a blessing to be here teaching,” Dr. Parada said.

Though the curriculum stays relatively the same from quarter to quarter, Dr. Parada enjoys getting to work with students of all walks of life and help them to achieve their professional goals.

“Even though I may be teaching full spine technique or X-Ray analysis, which doesn’t change, quarter to quarter, things look extremely different with the personalities of the class. The energy is also demanded into different avenues. It’s always fun and challenging to see how we best get the information to that specific quarter,” Dr. Parada said.

As for his life away from Life U, it’d be an understatement to say that this past year has been an eventful one for Dr. Parada, as he married his wife Jessica in July and found out they were having a baby boy due in mid-April 2022. Congrats to the happy couple!

When not in the classroom or spending time with family, Dr. Parada has another passion that he has devoted a fair bit of time to: the Life U Ice Hockey Club. Like all Life U Sports Clubs, Campus Recreation and Wellness helps to facilitate participants seeking to compete as a Club Team to represent Life University as non-intercollegiate athletes, under the supervision of a required staff advisor. Around the rink, he is simply known as Coach.

A few years ago, the Life U Ice Hockey Club assembled and tore up the ice (in a good way) for a couple of seasons in local competition before losing some steam due to COVID-19 safety considerations.

“[Prior to it coming to a halt,] we brought a lot of students to these games, and the energy was fantastic,” Dr. Parada said.

Dr. Parada hopes to get a team ready for play in the near future in some highly competitive local leagues near Life U’s campus. Any interested students should stay tuned for more information to come regarding interest in joining the team.

Until then, Dr. Parada continues to teach with excellence and vigor, befitting of a lifelong Life U Running Eagle.



Faces of LIFE is a story campaign that showcases members of the dynamic Life U community, including faculty/staff, students, alumni and health science professionals. Interested in being featured or nominating a candidate? We want to hear from you! Email Marketing@LIFE.eduRead more Faces of LIFE stories.