
Author: jtutten

Slice green life 6 15 22
Slice of LIFE

Club Spotlight: Green LIFE

Going green and living a sustainable life is a common concept we hear many people talking about, but what does that look like on a practical level? That is what Green LIFE at Life U hopes to explore.

Slice moda june13
Slice of LIFE

Math+Music@MODA = Community Outreach

Math and music are not typically linked together, but for members of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, they see the distinct connection between these two. Mathematical and music theory is an area that is researched by members of this society. It is a small group of experts who would like to see their field grow in the future. 

Fol destinee rivera
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Destinee Rivera

As a child, some might have mistaken Destinee Rivera for a fish for all the time she spent in the water and on the beach growing up in Richmond Hill, Georgia. Her respect and admiration for the natural world were apparent from early on, spending many afternoons on the waterfront and by the marsh watching aquatic wildlife in its natural state and taking in beautiful sunsets.

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Slice of LIFE

Take a bite into the Dietetics Internship Program at Life U

The Dietetic Internship (DI) Program in Nutrition and Dietetics at Life University (Life U) is a postbaccalaureate, non-degree graduating, nine-month program beginning in early September and ending by May. It consists of 1096 total hours broken down into 280 hours of didactic and 816 hours of supervised practice.

Slice bible club 6 6 2022
Slice of LIFE

Club Spotlight: Life U Bible Club

  Spiritual enrichment often plays a key factor in overall well-being and wellness, so Life University (Life U) is proud to offer several spiritual and/or faith-based organizations for students to plug into on campus. Life U Bible Club is one such faith-based group, offering regular…

Fol jordy carle
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Jordy Carle

“The coolest thing about Life U is that it is very small. It’s fun because you get to meet a ton of people, and [a high percentage of students] are in the D.C. program. The coolest part is you always have something to talk about because many people are studying the same thing,” said Jordy Carle.

Slice creative wiriting may23
Slice of LIFE

Relaxing with Creative Writing

Writers‒novelists, essayists, poets, anyone with a keyboard‒will attest that writing can be a wonderful activity for escaping the pressures of the day and allowing your mind to indulge in more creative problem-solving. There is an incredible difference between working under a deadline and working at…

Slice khyle mingo may20
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Khyle Mingo

Khyle Mingo and his six siblings grew up in the coastal town of Milford, Connecticut. Mingo has the notable distinction of being the oldest boy, with only one sister older than him. His family lived in Connecticut until he was 16 before moving to Charleston, South Carolina. After high school, Mingo earned two bachelor’s degrees from Coastal Carolina University, one in Science and one in Public Health.