life u bible club


Spiritual enrichment often plays a key factor in overall well-being and wellness, so Life University (Life U) is proud to offer several spiritual and/or faith-based organizations for students to plug into on campus. Life U Bible Club is one such faith-based group, offering regular bible study and worship opportunities for Christians and any interested individuals. D.C Student and Student Ambassador Kyle Padilla is listed as the club’s president, though the club is very collaborative and not hierarchal in nature.

“Life U Bible Club is a community of people that love God and love others. Our mission is to make a place to find rest and dive into the Word of God to feed the Spirit for the week ahead,” said Ben Lafler, a student leader for the club.

Lafler detailed how he joined the club to connect with like-minded people that shared his faith, as well as to find some potential answers to questions he had about his faith. Lafler finds his time in bible study and now as a study leader to be very rewarding.

Gaberiel Turner is new to leadership with Life U Bible Club, but he has enjoyed diving headfirst into helping plan events and charity fundraisers.

“Our vision is to have a place for people to come to have fellowship with other believers in Jesus, learn about the Bible. We usually take a chunk of a chapter or finish a whole chapter in the Gospel. We have been going over Luke for the last few weeks, and we just go over it and discuss what we think it means,” said Turner, “Afterwards, we chat for a little bit and pray for each other.”

Faith Caldwell is a student leader with Life U Bible Club who has been involved for three years. She expressed her gratitude for the many ways that the club is showing Lasting Purpose on and off campus, from community service to bible studies and worship nights. She also mentioned the joy that comes from periodic off-campus retreats that the club hosts in calm, scenic locations to allow for deeper connection, fellowship and attempting to unplug and decompress from the normal stresses of college life.

“The club is a great group of people who are very community-oriented and who want to see the love of Jesus spread across campus,” said Caldwell.

With the constant pressures that come from wanting to excel as a college student and beyond, a club like this is important to give students a sense of purpose and peace in their lives. Life U encourages and fosters a sense of self-exploration and spiritual awakening, so groups such as this are a natural extension of that philosophy.

“I think most people are searching for something. They don’t know exactly what’s missing, and they need an answer to their purpose and why certain things in life are the way that they are. And I feel like the Bible is a good place to answer some of that, and the Bible Club itself just helps believers at whatever point they are in their relationship with God,” said Caldwell.

The Life U Bible Club meets on Monday nights from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Ian Grassam Treehouse. The club also recently hosted a worship night on May 19 at Lyceum Park’s Standard Process Amphitheater. For more information about Life U Bible Club and its upcoming events, stay tuned via Engage or email its leadership at



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