
Category: Faculty/Staff

Fol Alexis Martinez (2)
Awards, Faculty/Staff

Matthew Yohn Awarded the George Gaumond Award

Matthew Yohn, Serials Library Paraprofessional in the Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library and May 2021 graduate of the Master in Library and Information Science program at Valdosta State University, was recently awarded the George Gaumond Award. This annual award bears the name…

Fol Alexis Martinez (1)
Faculty/Staff, News

Meet the ODEI Director Candidates

The Life University campus community is invited to meet and listen to the top two candidates for the Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) next Monday, April 26 and Wednesday, April 28. Both candidates will present their thoughts on “The Top…

Fol Michelle Steinmetz (2)
Enrollment, Faculty/Staff, News

New Director of Enrollment Events & Tours

Diane Benson-Brown has been hired as the new Director of Enrollment Events & Tours in the Enrollment Management Department at Life University. She is in charge of all campus visits, tours, LIFE Leadership Weekends, Eagle Madness events and more. Benson-Brown started her new role at…

2021 Cetl Funded Projects Program
Faculty/Staff, News

CETL Funded Projects Program

  The CETL Funded Projects program is open to Life University faculty and staff and provides small-scale funding for research and other evidence-based scholarly and creative activities. Application Deadline: May 24, 2021 For questions, email the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning at

Changes In Proctorio

Changes in Proctorio

In an attempt to enhance the security of proctored exams, Proctorio just made an update we would like to share with you. In the past, faculty could access their proctored exams and not be prompted for a password. That password exemption for faculty is no…

Faculty/Staff, WOWs

More WOWs for Exceptional Student Service

Dr. Marc Schneider, who serves as VP for Student Affairs, would like to share the following acknowledgments – or WOWs – with the LIFE community: “Every quarter, without fail, the Student Affairs team comes together to produce a graduation, orientation and housing move-in that, no matter…

Faculty/Staff, WOWs

WOWs for LIFE Vision/Fall CElebration Extravaganza

Dr. Gilles LaMarche, who serves as VP for Advancement and oversees the LIFE Vision/Fall CElebration Extravaganza event, writes: “WOW! A sincere and heartfelt thank you to all who participated in making LIFE Vision Extravaganza the success that it was. In addition to all thanks and…