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Marietta, Georgia, May 2, 2019 – On April 26, 2019, Life University was honored to host and serve as one of the sponsors for the 2019 Golden Gala – A Senior Citizens Prom. The evening was also sponsored by LC19 and Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage.

More than 150 prom goers had food, fun and danced the evening away in style on the University’s campus. This event provided a welcome venue for local senior citizens to come together as a community and show us all how it’s done!

And “community” was never more apparent than on the bustling dance floor as this group of vibrant seniors line danced into the night. Moving as one, they showed their flare for individuality at the same time as they corresponded to each other as a whole.

Life University President Dr. Rob Scott, says, “I have amazing memories of my parents, after doing the dishes by hand on any mundane night, putting the record player on and just starting to dance in the kitchen. There’s a saying that goes ‘you never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.’ So I think, ‘why should prom night be confined to the teenagers?’ Let’s create some more memories of the moments that are so special to us. So when Leadership Cobb came up with the idea of having a seniors prom night and brought it to us here at Life University, it was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever had to make in my professional career. And I can only hope that this is just the beginning, and it will become an annual event with Leadership Cobb, Kaiser Permanente and Life University as we continue to create those moments and memories for the people in our community who have contributed so much to what makes Cobb such a great place to live and work.”

Long-time Cobb resident Deane Thompson Bonner had nothing but praise for this special event when she says, “For the last 20 years, I have led the Cobb County branch of the NAACP as president, and I am here tonight because I know Kaiser Permanente and how they are so community oriented. Somebody has to have a vision to realize that this is important, and that’s what makes it so special. As a senior, I have such a wonderful, wonderful appreciation for this event because the ambiance was excellent and the food was wonderful. The total planning of this event for seniors has won me over 100 percent. Seniors are not always appreciated, so any time you have an opportunity to show them some appreciation, it’s phenomenal. The diversity is here, and it has all of the ingredients of being a fantastic evening, and I’m absolutely elated to be here.”

Interestingly, the camaraderie at the Golden Gala mirrors the vision of Life University’s Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics (CCISE). CCISE is dedicated to developing and promoting programs that foster the human values most conducive to individual, social and environmental flourishing through research, dialogue, education and community empowerment.

Thus, taking distinct individuals from varying backgrounds, cultures and dispositions; putting them together as a group; and then watching them align as an accepting, cohesive whole adds proof to the fact that the very foundation upon which CCISE is based – a world in which people act out of an awareness of our common humanity, innate potential and inherent interdependence – is not only possible, but very achievable.

To learn more about Life University’s Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics, please visit Compassion.LIFE.edu/.

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