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Slice of LIFE

Learning From Failure

Failure of any kind can be hard to swallow. Getting overlooked for a new job can make you question your own skills; getting turned down for a date can make you insecure; even losing a video game online to a complete stranger has been known to make people throw their controller at the TV.

Black History Month, Slice of LIFE

MLK Jr. Day

On January 15, 1929, a legend was born in this very special place – Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King Jr. came into the world that day and has made a lasting impact on society. King held a strong belief that all men are created equal and should enjoy the same rights and privileges.

Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Dr. Jo Lobertini

Dr. Jo Lobertini is the Associate Dean of Online Education at Life University (Life U). She is a fresh face to the Life U community, having just come on board about five months ago. However, Dr. Lobertini already feels welcomed by staff and students at Life U and since the very beginning has felt that Life U is “her people.”

Slice of LIFE

A Quick Plea for Audiobooks

Before getting to our topic for today, let me ask you a simple question. Does the idea of someone reading you a story appeal to you? Simply put, today’s topic is that audiobooks are a great hobby to get into and people’s lives are a little brighter when they are both learning and engaged in a story.

Slice of LIFE

New Years Resolutions

Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? As a followup question, do you actually remember what your resolution was last year? While following through on or even just making a New Year’s resolution isn’t by any means necessary, it is a nice little practice to try to harness the momentum of the calendar turning over and to use that power to shape ourselves into healthier and happier people.