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Slice of LIFE

Your Ally for Accessible Learning Content- Blackboard Ally for Life U

At Life University, we pride ourselves on going the extra mile to make sure that each and every student on campus has access to the materials they need in order to reach their innate potential. With that principle in mind, Life U recently activated Blackboard Ally on Blackboard, the course login site that Life U students already know well.

Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Osvani Ley

M.S in Positive Psychology, recent alumnus B.B.A Business Administration alumnus Former Life University Men’s Wrestling team member “Commit, Care and Compete” Osvani Ley grew up amid the Miami heat and is a first-generation college student who is “very proud to be in that position.” Ley…

Slice of LIFE

Beat the Heat- Heat Exhaustion Prevention for Summer

These higher-than-normal temperatures that have plagued the start of summer 2022 in Georgia don’t appear to be dissipating anytime soon, reported the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in a recent article outlining the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast predicting an increased likelihood of above-average temperatures across…

Slice of LIFE

“Tech Neck”: Combatting Neck Strain related to computers and phones

According to an article by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) titled “How to Triumph over Tech Neck”, Tech Neck is the shortened form of a relatively recently observed phenomenon dubbed “Tech Neck Syndrome”. Don’t let the cute name fool you, because neck strain is a serious matter that should be addressed sooner rather than later.

Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Feaunte Preyear

Feaunte Preyear is the new Title IX Coordinator at Life University (Life U), joining the Life U family on April 11, 2022. She has lived in Mobile, Alabama for the past 25 years and worked for the University of Southern Alabama for the past 15 years. Preyear is originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she still has family, including her oldest daughter.

Slice of LIFE

Hidden Figures- Special Student Presentations

Students came together to give their final presentations on a most valuable topic: Hidden Figures in history from Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI), Latino/Hispanic American, Caucasian, Native American & African American Ethnic Groups.  The presentations were conducted by Dr. Marla Thompson’s Spring 2022 Diversity in Organizations class on June 9 in CGUS 131.