Stephen Hill
Integrative Care
Student: Doctor of Chiropractic
November 2020
Stephen Hill is from Huntsville, Alabama and has a dad who is an attorney, a mom who is a teacher, a sister who is a research psychologist and a brother who is an analyst at a bank in Birmingham. He went to Auburn University and received his undergraduate degree in Exercise Science before earning a Master’s in Kinesiology at Alabama A&M University.
“I didn’t know quite what I wanted to do. I was very fortunate to get a job at an integrative chiropractic clinic, and I hadn’t been introduced to chiropractic until about a year ago,” Hill shared. “When I saw how much it does in people’s lives, it was just an absolutely life-changing experience that made me want to become a chiropractor.”
When Hill was working, he had several different chiropractors take him under their wing. Many of them had direct experience with LIFE or knew people that went to the University. They encouraged him to see what it was all about.
“I went to a LIFE Leadership Weekend in January, and it was incredible,” he recalled. “The community and people just really made me feel at home there, and that’s really what led me to choosing LIFE. I wanted to be in a place where I felt I could be myself and learn the most so that I am able to make that positive impact on somebody.”
Going from working to studying again was a transition for Hill. “It’s just been a completely different routine,” he said. “I’ve become close to a couple of people. Everybody is trying to help each other out because we are both in the same boat.”
He thinks it’s really cool to have both locals and people all around the country working to make the best out of a situation and help each other out with a vitalistic philosophy. “I love that we all believe that the body is self-organizing and self-healing. Our professors talk about it openly in our lectures, and it comes together in a really awesome way.”
Hill is excited to start the next part of his career after graduation. “I want to work in an integrative environment after school,” Hill described. “I love the doctor-patient relationship that is one-on-one and encourages people to live to their optimal health. I really want to inject positivity into the world with things like random acts of kindness.”
This is one of the ways that Hill integrates Lasting Purpose in his life. “Just smiling at somebody might make their day, and they might go on and make someone else’s day, and all of a sudden, you have a chain reaction.” He expressed a deep passion for helping people get back to daily activities and to live their lives to the fullest.
Hill’s wisdom for other students is to have fun and realize it’s all a journey. “School is a marathon, not a sprint,” he said. “Realize the great opportunity we have to live and learn together and build each other up to be the best professionals that we can be.”
Faces of LIFE is a story campaign that showcases members of the dynamic LIFE community, including faculty/staff, students, alumni and health science professionals. Interested in being featured or nominating a candidate? E-mail Natalie.Esparza@LIFE.edu. Read more Faces of LIFE stories.
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