Mansan Ho

Dr. Mansan Ho
Growing Chiropractic in Hong Kong and China
Alumni: Doctor of Chiropractic
April 2021

Dr. Mansan Ho spent his youngest years in Hong Kong before moving to the U.S. when he was about 13 years old with his adoptive mother, who is his biological mother’s older sister. He first learned about Chiropractic from his adoptive mother, who had her own practice in Gainesville, Florida that also specialized in Chinese and Western medicine.

After earning a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida, Dr. Ho worked with a professor who encouraged him to explore Chiropractic and Life University.

“I also talked to a few more M.D.s that believe Chiropractic is the new future and they really thought LIFE would be the best school that I should attend,” Dr. Ho recalled. “I always wanted to become something in the medical field and after talking to multiple doctors, I believed Chiropractic would be my best fit.”

With those recommendations in mind, he started the Doctor of Chiropractic program at LIFE in the summer of 2017.

“Everyone, all of my classmates and colleagues helped me a lot,” Dr. Ho said. “With schoolwork and social life, everybody’s so supportive. It’s one of the biggest campuses in the world and it’s beautiful. All of the professors are very knowledgeable, and they love to share stories. They want to make sure that you understand the concepts and topics. It is a very great experience.”

Dr. Ho graduated from LIFE with his D.C. degree in December 2020. Now, he’s working with Dr. John Downes, Life University’s Vice President for Global Initiatives, to grow the Chiropractic profession in Hong Kong and China.

Dr. Ho was involved with the Global Initiatives team while he was still a student and used his language skills in Cantonese, Mandarin and English to translate articles and other materials. Since graduating, he has formally joined the Global Initiatives department as the Director of Program Development in China and relocated to Hong Kong.

“I have already gotten the license to use in Hong Kong to open up chiropractic clinics, so there will be multiple chiropractic clinics named Life University Chiropractic Clinic,” Dr. Ho said. “Also, I’m inviting everybody who’s already studying at LIFE or graduated from LIFE, or any chiropractic students or graduates who want to come to have an experience overseas in Hong Kong. They’ll be great and I will have a lot of spots for them.”

LIFE D.C. students and alumni who are interested should contact Dr. Ho directly at for more information. He hopes that the first LIFE clinic will open in Hong Kong in July of 2021 and is working on another way to bring Chinese students to LIFE.

“We are talking about an agreement with one of the universities in China to do transferable credits so that the students there can actually take basic science and then come to LIFE and study Chiropractic,” Dr. Ho explained. “It might be less time for them in the United States [if] they can take care of the basic science in China first.”

One of the ways Dr. Ho discovered Lasting Purpose at LIFE was to participate in Dr. Peter Morgan’s mission trip to Haiti, where he spent a week.

“After that experience, it made me a greater person, a better chiropractor and a greater person deep in the heart, to give, to serve, to love, to do,” he said. “I never experienced a culture that… in deep of needing people’s help.” Dr. Ho is very passionate about helping others. “You can actually help maybe 100 to 200 people in one day there,” he said. “You could see the kids laughing, hugging you, actually learning English words and saying thank you. They would see me and wonder like, ‘How do you say thank you in Chinese?’ I’d be like, ‘Oh, it’s xie xie.’ Or Cantonese, whatever language our team could teach them. You could see all the smiles; it just warms my heart.”

Dr. Ho’s words of wisdom for current and future students is to stay focused.

“Stay giving, giving to other people,” he advised. “The return is amazing. A little small giving to other people, it will make you feel better, but the reward is that other people will help you as well. I think it just caught my heart at some spiritual level.”





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