Sam Clark
“A typical day is always busy. We don’t go nine to five, we often work 12 to 16-hour days. We’ve got to love our families and spouses and kids for understanding that,” said Sam Clark, Head Coach for Women’s Soccer at Life University, describing her average day at work. “But there is no typical day, and I think that is one of the most intriguing and most wonderful things about athletics – it’s always a new challenge.”
Danielle Holtman
Working in a vitalistic health institution, we wanted to capture work-life balance, living congruently with our mission and vision and teaching staff what that looks like. Jenifer Valtos and Holtman started researching what other corporate wellness programs looked like and what actually worked and what didn’t. They figured out incentive-based, community-centered wellness was key. It was a collaboration between Valtos and Holtman on the research end of it, and the Staff Council Executive Board helped create it. The inaugural VitalU started in Fall Quarter 2019. “It’s only on its second quarter, and it feels like it’s already been changing the campus. People are having more conversations about health and what’s happening in their actual lives.”
Aysia Cortez
Aysia Cortez is in her final quarter at Life University, on track to graduate in June with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. She plans to put her degree to use in the future, but first, Cortez is pursuing a career as an MMA fighter.
Jessie Hulsey
Hulsey’s best advice for a new student is to make sure you get involved. “I struggled at Kennesaw because I didn’t join clubs and other social activities.” Currently, Hulsey is the treasurer for the Nutrition Club and the social media and events chair, and it has been really rewarding. Hulsey planned the nutrition fair for National Nutrition Month that was held at LIFE on March 5.
Julia Vidallon
With the goal of winning Nationals in mind, Vidallon created a simple cardboard sign as an inspirational daily reminder. “It helped me think, ‘You are enough; you can achieve these things,’” she recalled. “Winning [a national championship] was really special to me because every single day, I was working so hard toward that goal. It was definitely an amazing experience for sure.”
Cameron Bakkar
“When I went to college in Washington, D.C., I was always pushing myself to do more, and eventually felt like I couldn’t breathe. I really appreciate how the faculty, staff and students at Life University really take care of themselves,” said Cameron Bakkar, an Academic Support Coordinator in the Student Success Center. “Grades are obviously still important, but there’s a holistic recognition that they aren’t the only thing that makes up a person’s value. I love that energy.”
Mack Beggs
In many ways, Mack Beggs is a typical college student. The 20-year-old is a sophomore at Life University and a student-athlete on the Life U men’s wrestling team, competing for the first season at the collegiate level after redshirting last year. Mack is also Health Science major, studying hard to excel academically.
Nicholas Angel
“Have you ever seen Harry Potter? When Harry goes to Hogwarts, everybody’s like a magician, right? Here I feel the same,” Angel said. “I see the lake, the Treehouse, everything’s green. I love studying in those places … the green part of LIFE — it’s my Hogwarts.”
Marshall Tucker
According to Marshall Tucker, an Atlanta native and Life University Alumnus, finding meaning in your career is paramount to having a satisfying life. However, figuring out exactly how to do that is a journey that takes a lot of self-evaluation and trial and error.
Anthony Maxwell
“I loved my time at LIFE as a student, and it’s even more special as a staff member,” says Maxwell. LIFE is home for me! It feels as if I’m working in the ‘family business’ every day.”
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