Reusable, Budget and Eco-Friendly Product Tips for Students on the Move
Overarching issues such as effects of climate change and the ever-increasing human impact on the physical world around us seem so large at times that it feels hopeless to even try to do better. What are some simple, tangible steps you as a college student can make in your everyday life to help the planet?
Don’t be Greenwashed- Sharpening Sustainability Reasoning Skills
Being truly sustainable is not as black and white (or green) as we might like to imagine it is. Life University’s (Life U) B.A. in Environment and Sustainability equips students to critically examine the 21st century’s pressing social and environmental problems with a holistic systems…
Engaging Podcasts for the Environmentally Conscious and Curious suggests some phenomenal podcasts for the environmentally inclined in their guide, “15 Best Environmental Podcasts of 2022.” So in a free moment on a walk, doing errands or on your commute, you can educate yourself on significant environmental subjects.
A student perspective on Human Ecology and a greener campus, with guest Kaitlin Ivey- Podcast
Kaitlyn Ivey joins us to let us know about her journey as a B.S in Human Ecology student, as well as the growth of the Green LIFE club on campus, of which she currently serves as Vice President.
Sustainable Development to Positively Make an Environmental Impact- Research Series
Life University (Life U) Human Ecology student Kaitlin Ivey is completing her research project on permaculture and how this practice is an eco-friendly solution to better help the environment and climate change.
Marietta, Georgia– February 3, 2022 – Life University is pleased to announce that Kaitlyn Ivey, a student in the Bachelor’s in Human Ecology program, has been selected to serve on the Student Leadership Council for the Georgia Climate Project’s (GCP) 2023 Georgia Climate Conference.
Simple Ways to Avoid Food Waste
So much of daily life is centered around food. Buying food at the grocery store, going out to eat, preparing food and sometimes throwing food away that has gone bad before it had a chance to be eaten. Food waste is a major problem that tends to sneak under the radar of our consciousness, but it has negative implications for not only our wallets, but also the environment.
Club Spotlight: Green LIFE
Going green and living a sustainable life is a common concept we hear many people talking about, but what does that look like on a practical level? That is what Green LIFE at Life U hopes to explore.
Faces of LIFE- Dr. Stephanie Wakefield
Dr. Wakefield is relatively new to Life U, having only come on board in Fall 2020. Yet in her short time at Life U thus far, Dr. Wakefield has left several positive waves in her wake. “I really enjoy working at Life U, and one of the things I love is the openness of the University and the community here to create this new program—this Human Ecology program—and trying innovative teaching and learning methods, like outdoor learning, active learning,” said Dr. Wakefield.
January 31, 2022 – Life University (Life U) has become the tenth university in the state to join the Georgia Climate Project.
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