
Tag: Chiropractic Program

Kallie corbin
Faces of LIFE

Kallie Corbin

“My life has taken many turns for me to get to where I am now,” exclaims third quarter chiropractic student, Kallie Corbin. Corbin, originally from Portland, Oregon, received a psychology degree while also playing as a Division 1 volleyball player in college. She was the school’s first D1 All-American volleyball player, which then allowed her to go into coaching right out of college.

Todd strong
Faces of LIFE

Todd Strong

Todd Strong always knew that he wanted to go into health care, and at one time, even considered the path of physician’s assistant. While working in a local family practice, however, he saw how the traditional medical system worked and became discouraged with many of its aspects, mostly regarding how patients were treated as if on an assembly line.

Richard forte
Faces of LIFE

Richard Forte

“My first chiropractic adjustment took place when I was just a couple minutes old” … and not only was the world introduced to Richard Forte, but he was introduced to Chiropractic at the same time. Forte continues, “As soon as I was born, the doctor saw that I was not breathing, and my lips started turning blue. My mother immediately adjusted my atlas right there on the delivery table and I instantly turned pink and started screaming!”

Dr. joe esposito
Faces of LIFE

Dr. Joe Esposito

Dr. Joseph Louis Esposito, known as “Dr. Joe” to his colleagues, patients and friends, has been called one of the most dynamic and authoritative international nutritional experts of our time. Dr. Joe, because of his knowledge, expertise and legendary sense of humor, is a highly sought-after speaker by corporations, educational institutions and international sporting events.

Evann desjardins
Faces of LIFE

Evann Desjardins

When Evann Desjardins graduated from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina with a Health and Exercise Science degree, she knew where she would further her education – a school for physical therapy. Having been a Division 1 soccer player throughout her time as an undergraduate, she was very well acquainted with athletic injuries and subsequent physical therapy visits. Yet, Desjardins ended up at Life University and is now studying to become a chiropractor.

Yesenia ostolaza
Faces of LIFE

Yesenia Ostolaza

“I wanted to be a doctor or maybe a veterinarian – something in the traditional medical field – but I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do.” This was Yesenia Ostolaza’s sentiment from a very young age. Ever since she can remember, she was intrigued by science and math. Her mother always wanted to nurture Ostolaza’s interests and made sure to find the right schools for her that specialized in those two subjects.

Spencer surmont
Faces of LIFE

Spencer Surmont

From Detroit, Michigan and working on his bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, Spencer Surmont is also on the pre-D.C. track here at LIFE. Even though arriving on campus just out of high school, Surmont knew long before he got here that Chiropractic would be in his future.

Elisa velez
Faces of LIFE

Elisa Velez

“A recruiter from Life University came to my school, Florida Atlantic University, and offered those who were interested a trip to Atlanta for a LIFE Leadership Weekend. I’ve always loved traveling, and since I’d never been to Atlanta, I took him up on his offer and came for a visit. But once I got here and experienced LIFE for myself, I realized that it was everything that I had been searching for!”

Dr. kevin kinney
Faces of LIFE

Dr. Kevin Kinney

“Something really cool about Chiropractic is that you can personalize it however you want,” says Life University alumnus Dr. Kevin Kinney. After graduating in 2017, Kinney started a somewhat nontraditional practice since he knew that he did not want to “do the regular office thing.” With a background in the entertainment industry, he wanted to continue to work with artists and entertainers in some fashion, and he also knew that he did not want a brick and mortar office where he would feel tied down.

Dr. jamie foster
Faces of LIFE

Dr. Jamie Foster

“I’ve come to realize, thanks in part to Life University, that Chiropractic is so much more than a profession for me. It’s an entire way of living that encompass all of my passions,” says Foster. “I am now not just living, but creating ripples of change in the universe that resonate on a grand scale.”