
Tag: Chiropractic Program

Slice wed oct13


Life University’s educational and clinical philosophy is based on Vitalism—our recognition that the Universe itself is self-conscious, and as such, creates itself as a dynamic system wherein living organisms are self-developing, self-maintaining and self-healing.

Slice pat aug24

The Use of PAT at Life University Proves a Success!

Behind every great innovation is a question that needs solving. For us at Life University, that question was simple: how can we train as many future doctors of chiropractic as possible without sacrificing our standards of excellence or safety? This is the driving force behind Life University’s technique lab of the future. It guides all of our research and every development.

M1q menika brady
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter: Menika Brady

What we are meant to do is always going to be so much bigger than us, so stay focused on that bigger picture. It’s less about myself and more about how I can serve others. When we do that, the benefits that come from that far outweigh anything else. There’s a different kind of joy to be experienced by putting yourself in that place of Lasting Purpose.

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Academic News

Student WOW from Dr. Lydia Dever

Dr. Lydia Dever, who serves as Division Chair for Chiropractic Sciences, would like to recognize a group of students who jumped at the chance to be of service. Dr. Dever writes, “Week 0, I was asked by Marketing for access to the simulated patient or…

M1q tatum johnson
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter: Tatum Johnson

Take every opportunity you can. Join the clubs you never thought you liked. One time I sat in on the Nutrition Club with one of my teammates and even though I am not in any dietetics classes, I thought it was so fun. So, make sure to try every opportunity even if you don’t think it’s what you wanted. Just try it, it’s going to be okay.

M1q haley turpin
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter: Haley Turpin

Trust yourself. You know your passion. You are being guided by something bigger than you that is leading you down the perfect route for you to thrive, to be supported and to be loved. Once you begin to feel those things, you’re able to give those back to your community.