Club Spotlight: NetworkSpinal Club

Looking for a chiropractic technique club that can supplement the learning of other techniques with a unique approach? Try the NetworkSpinal Club! The club educates students on Network Spinal Analysis, a lesser-known chiropractic method that seeks to help patients connect with the nervous system in order to relieve tension around the spine that results in misalignment. Drs. Amanda and Robert Love are the advisors of the club, spoken highly of by club leadership for their ability to demonstrate the benefits of Network Spinal Analysis.

Many students come to the club because of positive experiences or connections with Network doctors. Vice President Jason Dulberg, for example, has had exposure to this process for a long time, as his dad is a chiropractor utilizing Network in his Miami practice.

“Network was the way that I found Chiropractic. For me, [Network] really is Chiropractic, though it looks a little unorthodox, and it’s distinct and different from full spinal techniques we are taught in school. Seeing that work growing up inspired me to want to go to chiropractic school,” Dulberg said.

Dulberg went on to say that NetworkSpinal Club uses an “inside-out perspective” rather than an “outside-in” approach to healing.

Others come to the club after trying other technique clubs and looking for something different, such as club member Bradlie Rollins. Rollins had been involved in a few different clubs, such as Gonstead, before wanting to learn more about Tonal-based techniques. A friend invited her to a NetworkSpinal club meeting. After receiving care at the club, Rollins “could feel such a difference” in herself. Rollins continued, noting that the focus on “unwinding the spinal cord tension” proved intriguing.

She explained that the idea is “to teach the spinal cord and the nervous system to unwind its own tension.” The goal is to support self-healing so patients can stay healthy.

What’s nice about Network Spinal Analysis is that it can be used in conjunction with other techniques, as opposed to some techniques that tend to be more singularly focused. It is designed to be an enhancement of other techniques to a degree, so chiropractors can utilize the philosophy of Network even if they don’t choose to become Network doctors. Releasing the tension of the spine through Network prior to adjustment through other means can make things go more smoothly for the doctor and patient alike.

President Joey Vitello demonstrates the defining characteristics of Network beautifully at L.I.F.E. events, using a “fishing line” metaphor he learned from Dr. Matthew Mancuso, a Network Spinal Analysis doctor who often teaches at seminars.

network spinal

“The fishing line represents the spinal cord and the meninges. The fishing rod, the hard structure, represents the spine, the bony structure of the spine. Essentially what happens with stress that we encounter in our lives, physical traumas, emotional thoughts that come in or chemical toxins, those pull on the ‘fishing line’ if you will, and then you will see the top of the ‘fishing rod’ start to bend,” explains Vitello.

Our spines essentially act in much the same way, becoming knotted up, painful and misaligned, which often results in hunched-over, forward posture. Network seeks to focus on the spinal cord, releasing tension there to help the entire body begin to realign properly.

NetworkSpinal Club introduces students to the three levels of care involved in Network: Discover, Transform and Awaken. Most of what the club teaches revolves around that first Discover level, but students can learn more through designated study, certifications and seminars held in different places across the U.S.

NetworkSpinal Club holds weekly Thursday meetings in Mod 7a from 7:00-9:00 p.m. They also hold special events and seminars periodically. Learn more by joining the Network Spinal Club Facebook group.



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