Typically, when someone hears Life University, the first thing that comes to mind is the world-class chiropractic education coupled with the emphasis on a vitalistic philosophy. And that would be correct. But LIFE is much more. In 1996, the University initiated the offering of undergraduate programs, providing a quality education in areas not previously offered.

In the Fall of 2019, Life University also launched a College of Online Education. Although the University previously offered online courses, the new College demonstrated a commitment to providing those resources necessary for our students to be successful across multiple programs. In addition to offering five fully online academic programs, with more planned to start in the near future, the institution can now extend our outreach to students who are not limited to geographical location. LIFE’s vitalistic philosophy can now be shared with students who reside across the United States and the world. By using a combination of campus-based faculty and faculty specifically trained in the online modality, we can make an impact by providing the same curriculum to students worldwide. Linked with a commitment to utilizing the latest technologies, student success is the ultimate goal.

The College of Online Education provides several benefits. First, and foremost, we can introduce Vitalism to those students who cannot travel to Marietta to enroll in our campus courses. These students can still obtain a quality undergraduate or graduate degree where our philosophy is integrated into the curriculum. Next, a student can enroll, and complete, all Pre-D.C. courses online. This allows them to accumulate less debt, only having to come to campus to fulfill the Chiropractic degree requirements. But, having online programs also provides advantages to our on-ground students as well. A campus-based student can now take more courses without regard to potential scheduling conflicts, meaning they can theoretically graduate sooner while accumulating less student debt.

The College of Online Education will continue to assess current trends and employers’ needs when considering new courses and programs that enable our students to access quality and meaningful careers in the marketplace. Our goal will be to continue to produce graduates who have the ability to be problem solvers in their chosen area of expertise. Through our online academic programs, we have greatly increased the number of potential Life University graduates now capable of having a more broad and positive impact on the world.