Jennifer Baugh
After watching family and friends suffer from health problems, Jennifer Baugh’s passion to help was fueled. As she witnessed first-hand the ravages of multiple sclerosis on her mother, her father’s cirrhosis of the liver, a friend’s breast cancer and multiple other family members with diabetes, she knew that she wanted a way of providing them with the help and guidance that could potentially have a very positive effect on their health.
Martin Cortes
Call it serendipity, a lucky break, good fortune or what you may, but whatever name it goes by, Martin Cortes has proven its existence.
At Life University to obtain his bachelor’s degree in business administration, Cortes is originally from Santiago, Chile. A lifelong soccer player, he ended up in the U.S. to play for a professional soccer club, the Atlanta Silverbacks, and to increase his English skills.
Dr. Joseph Haezebrouck
Faculty clinician Dr. Joseph Haezebrouck has had a long history with Life University. After graduating from the University (then called Life College of Chiropractic), Haezebrouck joined the University’s faculty as an associate professor in 1997.
Liliae Funderburk
For Liliae Funderburk, a desire to change her eating habits eventually led to her pursuit of a Dietetics degree here at Life University. During Funderburk’s senior year in high school, she felt constantly tired and struggled with weight issues. She says, “I was not eating in a healthy way at all, so I started doing research to see how I could eat to feel better. Once I discovered fresh foods and stopped eating fast food, I started having more energy.”
Marleny Espinosa
“I want everyone to know that no matter how humble your beginnings are, you can do anything you want to.” Graduating later this year with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, Marleny Espinosa is a prime example of this adage.
JeGerran Knight
“When people reach out to you for help, you want to help them in the best way possible and give them the best advantages to thrive,” says JaGerran Knight. Graduating in 2019 with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, Knight grew up with a father who was very ill with hepatitis A, hepatitis C, liver disease, hernias and diabetes, and at the end of his life, was on 22 different medications.
Dr. Randy Rhino
Dr. Randy Rhino had a poster in his room growing up that said, “What you are is God’s gift to you and what you make of yourself is your gift to God.” A 1983 alumnus of Life University (then called Life College), Rhino has made it his purpose to make a special gift in return and currently serves as Team Chiropractor for all Georgia Tech varsity student athletes.
Dr. Teri Stockwell
As Faculty Clinician at the Center for Health and Optimum Performance (C-HOP), Dr. Teri Stockwell instructs and mentors chiropractic students in their first experience with outpatients – through supervision of their patient care, adjustment delivery, electronic record keeping and many other facets of clinical experience. Stockwell notes that she is also the lead instructor of a technique that she proudly speaks of – Chiropractic Bio-Physics (CBP) – and says that it is the most researched technique in Chiropractic.
Tali Abraham
Avital “Tali” Abraham works as the Research and Program Coordinator for Life University’s Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics (CCISE). Abraham coordinates all of the programs at the Center, but she also conducts research projects as well, such as the one that is taking place at Lee Arrendale State Prison for Women (LIFE’s Chillon Project).
Hellen Diaz
Now at Life University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics, Hellen Diaz has come a long distance from her home of Cartagena, Colombia, by way of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Graduating next quarter, Diaz plans to pursue a dietetics internship here at the University immediately afterward.
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