
Tag: my 1st quarter

M1q Heather Garrison
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My First Quarter- Heather Garrison

I liked being able to come into such a close-knit program and community. Everyone was very like-minded. Everyone here is so passionate about chiropractic. It was a big shift coming, going from being at home in North Carolina versus being here where youโ€™re surrounded by so many like-minded, passionate people.

My 1st Quarter - Jullien Womack
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My First Quarter- Jullien Womack

B.S Exercise Science student; Prospective D.C. student
โ€œFrom a friendโ€™s recommendation to a Life U foundationโ€

Jullien Womack is a fun-loving husband, father and Army veteran who is excited to continue his educational journey at Life U.

Shani Tyson
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter – Shani Tyson

Everything was new. Iโ€™m originally from California, so coming all the way to Georgia, I was able to see a lot more green than before in my hometown. Just getting familiar with the area, it was pretty adventurous just to get to explore everything in Marietta and what Life U had to offer.