Tips on how best to utilize the Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library

Libraries are a wealth of knowledge that deserve respect and admiration. The Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library at Life University (Life U) is no different. In this highly digital age, many students might not understand the need for a physical library or how the University library can propel their academic success. Let’s look at the physical and digital resources that the library provides, as well as some best practices.

The Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library, renamed in July 2011 in honor of Life U’s first president and his wife, is located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) in the heart of the campus. Expert librarians have carefully selected resources that support Life U’s mission to provide students with the vision to fulfill their innate potential, the inspiration to engage in self-discovery and the ability to apply a principled approach to their future roles as leaders in humanitarian service and as citizens in their communities.

“Our library is a pretty remarkable space on campus because it not only serves as academic support but a space for collaborative learning and social engagement,” said Kathleen Williams, Library Director. “All of our staff are very knowledgeable about our collections and services, like our anatomical models and chiropractic collections. We also have three experienced librarians who provide research assistance for both online and on-campus students ensuring that students have access to expert help when they need it.”

The facility is state-of-the-art, complete with hard-bound volumes, e-books, hands-on equipment, and models, Wi-Fi and access to the Interlibrary Loan system, allowing students to obtain research and information from libraries around the world. One of our most popular services, individual and group study rooms, provides the space to work collaboratively with peers or the quiet needed to focus on coursework.

Library staff are here to provide student support for academic courses, as well as develop the information literacy skills needed in a rapidly changing global economy. Not only does library staff provide traditional services like interlibrary loan and research assistance, but they also assist with computer technology, navigating online courses and other basic technology skills.

Student basics to know when using the library

Library hours of operation are variable by quarter needs and periodic events, such as midterms and finals in which hours are typically extended to allow for additional study time.

The current quarter standard hours of operation are Monday- Thursday: 7:00 AM- 8:30 PM. Friday: 7:00 AM-4:45 PM Saturday 12:00 PM- 6:45 PM Sunday: 12:00 PM- 8:30 PM.

Your Life U ID (Eagle Card) is required to check out any library materials, including models and study rooms. Reserve items, such as Reserve books and models, can only be checked out one at a time. All library materials must be returned at the end of each quarter.

It is important to be self-aware and courteous to other library patrons, so please be sure to keep your volume low inside the library out of respect. This includes music players, speaking and other noise. As such, all audible cell phone conversations should be taken outside of the library. Children are only allowed in the library for extraordinary circumstances and parents are encouraged to stay with children in the circulation area or lobby during those times.

Where to find what you need and how special materials can be used

Library materials can be found in several different locations throughout the library, depending on their use and availability.

Here are some special designations that you may come across:

RESERVE:  Three-hour checkout for use only in the library.  Reserve items include books held at the circulation desk and models, x-rays and study rooms in the AV Center.

REFERENCE:  Books in the reference section, located on the first row of the stacks, are available for in-library use only.  Checkout is not required.

STACKS:  Books in the stacks are available for 4-week checkout.

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS:  Materials in the Special Collections room are for in-library use with supervision.  Visit the AV Center for access.

PERIODICALS:  Journals and magazines located in the periodicals section are for in-library use only. Shelving is done alphabetically by the first word of the title (disregarding the first “the”).  Photocopy/scan machines are available for use within the library to review portions of these materials at home.

AV CENTER: In addition to models and x-rays, the AV Center also houses videos on DVD and VHS, as well as equipment such as laptop computers, headphones, chargers, calculators and more.

CHIRO: Books and audiovisual materials pertaining to chiropractic are shelved at the front of the library near the entrance.  These items are available for checkout.

Digital and Specialized Resources

The library offers numerous research databases, many of which are available through GALILEO, such as PsychINFO, SPORTDiscus, and Alt-Health Watch. Find a complete list on the Databases A-Z page. Ask a librarian if in need of a passcode.

For Chiropractic students, the library can provide many necessary resources, including green books, blue books, Chiropractic news, NLM Style citation guides for medical journals etc., and reference texts to assist in preparation of all parts of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) examinations. NBCE reference texts are located in either Reference or Reserve. Reserve materials require student ID for three-hour library check-out.


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