Marietta, Georgia, July 2, 2019 – Dr. Howard Wright, Life University’s Director of Institutional Research Operations, recently participated in the Harvard University Graduate School of Education’s Management Development Program that ran from June 2-14 on the Cambridge, Massachusetts campus. Each year, a cohort of higher education middle managers inclusive of deans, associate deans, chairs and directors from over the world are accepted into the program. This year’s cohort consisted of 115 participants from 14 different countries ranging from small nonprofit institutions to R1 flagship institutions. All were mobilized to learn new approaches to leadership geared toward strengthening institutional strategies to survive the challenging higher education landscape and form the support group needed to meet this ongoing challenge.
This two-week, intensive resident program brought together national experts in the field of diversity, financial planning, ethics, leadership, team strategies, education policy, community college and personal and professional transformation. The curriculum also included presentations on leadership strategies from eight current and former university presidents.
According to Dr. Wright, this was a life-changing experience that exposed him to a broad array of institutional leaders in daily discussions. Dr. Wright explains, “This broadened my view on the function of the institution and how to engage in forward-thinking strategies to survive the turbulent climate that small colleges and universities oftentimes experience. I am grateful to John McGee, Life University’s VP of Operations, for supporting my nomination and enrollment in the program.”
For more information on Dr. Wright, visit LIFE.edu/Faculty-Page/Howard-G-Wright-Ed-D.
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