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Faces of LIFE

Danielle Holtman

Working in a vitalistic health institution, we wanted to capture work-life balance, living congruently with our mission and vision and teaching staff what that looks like. Jenifer Valtos and Holtman started researching what other corporate wellness programs looked like and what actually worked and what didn’t. They figured out incentive-based, community-centered wellness was key. It was a collaboration between Valtos and Holtman on the research end of it, and the Staff Council Executive Board helped create it. The inaugural VitalU started in Fall Quarter 2019. “It’s only on its second quarter, and it feels like it’s already been changing the campus. People are having more conversations about health and what’s happening in their actual lives.”


CCISE Article Featured in Blue Dot Magazine

The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) has released their 11th edition of their Blue Dot magazine, which features an article co-authored by Associate Director for the Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics (CCISE) and Associate Professor at Life…

Faces of LIFE

Aysia Cortez

Aysia Cortez is in her final quarter at Life University, on track to graduate in June with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. She plans to put her degree to use in the future, but first, Cortez is pursuing a career as an MMA fighter.


Chair Yoga for Faculty & Staff

Campus Recreation and Wellness will be hosting chair yoga for all staff and faculty. We are probably sitting more since most of us are working remotely. This will give us a reminder to move around and prompt us to keep moving! Please watch for upcoming…