Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management

Effective enrollment management is a major piece required to ensure the future success and longevity of any university. Brian Gipson, our new Associate Vice President for Enrollment, has a keen understanding of how to communicate effectively with prospective and current students. He has held key positions in esteemed higher education institutions across the nation, most recently finishing up an eight-year stint at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Throughout his career, Gipson has demonstrated exceptional leadership in enrollment management, spearheading initiatives such as identifying student prospects, compelling recruitment, territory management, strategic allocation of financial aid resources and targeted retention efforts. His knowledge and comprehension of enrollment management keeps him at the forefront of new developments in higher education.

Funnily enough, Gipson already had a previous work history with Life University (Life U) prior to his current role, as Director of Admissions Operations from October 2009 to February 2014. During that time, he had connected with and gained the respect of strategic leadership at Life U, as well as lasting professional contacts that he still kept up with as he decided to grow his talents and skill sets elsewhere. Then, when the opportunity for the Associate VP position presented itself,“the position itself was very attractive.” At that point, Gipson felt confident in his ability to “take Life U to the next level.”

The transition from Xavier University to Life U proved not too strange for Gipson, as both were mission-focused universities catering to a particular population. Xavier is a Catholic university, which of course attracts students of that faith and related interests. Life University, on the other hand, is a health sciences university famous for its flagship College of Chiropractic, promoting a vitalistic lifestyle. Thus Life U’s unique mission focus informs all enrollment management strategies to appeal to and retain like-minded students.

Intelligent data analytics is a driving force for figuring out the best locations and uses of personnel and funds toward recruitment endeavors.

“Money, you can always make more money, but you can’t make more time. And so, that is our ally, knowing how to have an idea of what areas would be best suited for us is key so that our recruiters are out there spending their time in the most advantageous way,” Gipson said.

One area in which Gipson hopes to improve retention efforts and overall student experience is to increase Life U’s proper utilization of the latest technology by utilizing systems to streamline processes that avoid having multiple individuals weigh in on one item. Instead, the hope is to see what processes can be automated or altered so that time isn’t wasted on unnecessary, menial labors.

Big changes and innovations such as these will require cooperation and buy-in from all departments across campus, so Gipson is eager to shake hands and get to know co-workers to make change happen.

“One of my strengths is developing personal relationships. I just believe in getting up, walking across the way and having conversation with those folks, trying to have meetings with them biweekly to see what their needs are. So then, that way, we can all be on the same page,” Gipson said.

“It’s important that we all know that we are sitting around the same pool. If the rock goes in on one end, it’s going to make ripples on everybody’s end. It’s in our best interest to work together. I try to form those bridges and those relationships and keep everything smooth.”


This article was originally published in Your Extraordinary Life (YEL), Life University‘s Alumni and Friends Magazine, 2024- Volume 17. YEL started in 2009 as a twice-per-year publication before moving to three issues per year from 2010-2017. In 2018, University leadership made the decision to publish a larger, more elegant version of the magazine just once per year that our alumni and friends could be proud of. YEL features an in-depth look at all things Life University, from alumni and student human interest stories to recaps and previews of the University’s biggest events. If you are a proud Life University alumni, friend or supporter, this publication is one you can’t miss!

Read the latest issue and past issues at this link or pick up a print copy on campus.