D.C. Alumnus (6th member of his family to graduate from Life U’s D.C. program), Owner/Chiropractor of The Nest

“My Life U Legacy in Chiropractic”

Dr. Daniel Anthony Roses is the sixth member of his family to graduate from the Doctor of Chiropractic program at Life University (Life U).  Dr. Roses is originally from West Orange, New Jersey. For those unfamiliar with this area, it is right outside New York City. He currently lives in Caldwell, New Jersey, and his practice is in Parsippany, New Jersey. Family is very important to the Roses family, so moving back home was an automatic decision.

“I was born into Chiropractic,” said Dr. Roses.  “It is all I have ever known.”

His father has been in practice for over 41 years, and he has aunts and uncles who are also chiropractors. According to Dr. Roses, his mom likes to bring up that “if she did not get pregnant and have us, she would have been a chiropractor at Life U.” His mom is a great chiropractic supporter in the Roses family.

His girlfriend of three years is also a great chiropractic supporter. Julie Kayzerman is a public relations professional who helps Dr. Roses get the word out.

“She is the best unpaid employee that I have. She does all my PR and outreach for my community events. They probably taught us this at Life U, but I probably didn’t pay attention, so I left school knowing nothing about it,” said Dr. Roses. “If I could give any advice to those future students, pay attention in those Saturday classes. I know we talked about this stuff then, but it’s all a blur now.”

He grew up in Chiropractic, attending Dynamic Essentials (D.E.) “religiously” once or twice annually. His greatest memories of D.E. are about Dr. Sid E. Williams, the founder and first president of Life U. Dr. Roses said that Dr. Sid was so inspiring, and he loved to just be around him. In fact, he decided to attend Life U because of his experiences with Dr. Sid at D.E.

“I grew up in Chiropractic, and the biggest thing that brought me to Life U was Dr. Sid and D.E. Being around Dr. Sid while he was talking about Life U – that was the only option for me. The legacy that Dr. Sid left and my family – I just wanted to be a part of it,” Dr. Roses shared.

Dr. Roses also shared his personal family legacy and what that means to him.

“I am so lucky in that I was able to receive my first chiropractic adjustment the day I was born. Out of everybody that I knew growing up, whether it be asthma, allergies, kids taking tons of different meds every day that I grew up with, I knew something was different. So, to this day, I am the healthiest person that I know.  And I know it is not a coincidence because of the very first adjustment that I got at seven minutes old.  So, if I could just help even one kid not have to go through that crazy regime of pills, allergies, that’s where my heart is to stop the problems before they get there,” said Dr. Roses.

When he first graduated, Dr. Roses worked for his father, but after almost a year working there, he decided that he wanted to go out on his own. His father had been practicing for 41 years, and Dr. Roses was fresh out of college and wanted to blaze his own trail. He began the legal process of setting up his own business but then ran into a fellow Life U graduate who was looking to sell his practice. Dr. Roses recognized it as a great stroke of luck, and he and his friend began working on the plan in April. Dr. Roses started working at the practice that August and fully transitioned to owner by October. This two-month transition allowed him to keep 85% of the wellness patients in the practice.

His advice to students is “first and foremost, get out there. I would say the best learning that I did in school was at other chiropractors’ offices. Listening to what they have to say and the teaching there. The other thing is to figure out why you’re in school. ‘I want to be a doctor, or I want to make a lot of money.’ All those things are great, but it really comes down to two words, and that’s Lasting Purpose, which everybody at Life U should know.”


Faces of LIFE is a story campaign that showcases members of the dynamic Life U community, including faculty/staff, students, alumni and health science professionals. Interested in being featured or nominating a candidate? We want to hear from you! Email Marketing@life.eduRead more Faces of LIFE stories.