
Category: Slice of LIFE

M1q Amber Jackson
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter: Amber Jackson

I would tell myself, “Don’t give up. Things are going to be hard, but they’re going to be hard for a reason, and they’re going to be necessary and are all growth opportunities. Do not run from adversity – welcome it. Those hard challenges, those mountains are worth the climb.”

M1q Nick Shelby
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter: Nick Shelby

I would tell my younger self that it’s okay with the idea that you’re going to come out of school with some debt, and that the purpose of school is not to graduate with as little debt as possible but to be as valuable and as capable a chiropractor as you possibly can, so that you can pay back those loans quickly.

My 1st Quarter
My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My 1st Quarter: Kjell Paris

Advice I would give to my younger self includes being open minded and as outgoing as possible. At that point, the universe is going to take care of you because whatever you put out there is what will come back to you. Try to say “Yes” to as many things as possible.