
Tag: Sport Health Science

Karen Revamp Therapeu Slice Of Life Blog Post Template1l
CGUS, Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Revamping Physiological Therapeutics and Sport Health Science, with Karen Pfeifer – Podcast

Karen Pfeifer has worked in a number of sports related careers, as a athletic trainer, an administrator and as an educator at different and overlapping points. She currently teaches Physiological Therapeutics courses in the Master of Sport Health Science and Doctor of Chiropractic programs. Our Sports Health Science department is currently examining the best possible ways to get students career ready in the future, which could lead to some exciting changes.

Faces Of Life Fol Cathy T Life University
Nutrition, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE: Cathy Tillery

Cathy Tillery is the Campus Dietitian and an Assistant Professor at Life University (Life U) in the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS). Tillery’s work is very broad because it is her job covers everyone on campus from a dietitian standpoint.  Her role is to look through her dietitian lens and wear her nutrition educational hat.

Kovacs Large
Master's in Sport Health Science, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Dr. Mark Kovacs talks on Life U’s Master in Sports Science, new Tennis Fitness & Sport Science Track- Podcast

It’s time to get active and learn about exciting new developments at Life U, as Dr. Mark Kovacs, Director of LIFE Sport Science Institute (LSSI) and Professor for the Department of Sport Health Science, dives into the particulars of our special Master in Sport Health Science program. He also introduces the brand-new Tennis Fitness & Sport Science Track, designed to give professionals a specialized education targeted toward success in tennis-related fields.

Slice Dr Faust
Slice of LIFE

Dr. Catherine M. Faust

Servant Leadership is how Dr. Catherine M. Faust will approach her new role as the Dean of the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS) at Life University (Life U). Faust has worked at Life U for the past 24 years, most recently as Associate...
Fol Dr Tom Le Lievre
Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Dr. Tom Le Lievre

Dr. Tom Le Lievre was born in Jersey in the Channel Islands, a self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom (UK). As a student-athlete, Dr. Le Lievre became a patient of Jean-Pierre Meersseman, D.C., the former Medical Team Director at AC Milan football club, and developed an interest in Chiropractic through that experience.