
Tag: Marcos Padilla

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Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Marcos Padilla

Marcos Padilla’s Bachelor’s was in Forensic Science. After finishing his undergraduate degree, Padilla visited the Atlanta area to be with friends and to visit with his sister. Many of their friends were attending Life U at the time, mainly for the chiropractic program and spoke highly of the University. Padilla was not a stranger to chiropractic care, receiving regular chiropractic adjustments from his chiropractor back in Puerto Rico.

Slice Global Voices
Slice of LIFE

Organizational Spotlight: Global Voices

Global Voices is a student-centered assistance program that offers academic resources, skills for personal and professional development and sponsors cultural events for all students in order to guide all students toward achieving their academic, cultural transition and leadership goals within Life U’s community.