Faces of LIFE- Dr. Eric Parada
Life University often finds itself as a second home to those who cross its path at one point or another in their lives. Dr. Eric Parada, a 2014 graduate of Life University’s Doctor of Chiropractic program, can relate to that.
Computerized Posturography
“Posturography” is a technique of measuring and visualizing how a human body aligns itself in a sitting or standing state—if we break the word down, it is quite literally a record (“-graphy) of our posture.
January 24, 2022 – Life University (Life U) undertook significant repairs to its Lupo Family Field after historic flooding caused extensive damage in early September 2021. The University completed the repairs ahead of schedule last Friday, January 21.
My 1st Quarter – Tunahan Olcay
I’m a transfer student from Turkey. I studied for three years over there. When I started [at Life U] about three years ago, I found all my professors very helpful. For a transfer student, that is important because you are coming to a totally new environment, meeting with new people.
Learning From Failure
Failure of any kind can be hard to swallow. Getting overlooked for a new job can make you question your own skills; getting turned down for a date can make you insecure; even losing a video game online to a complete stranger has been known to make people throw their controller at the TV.
January 20, 2022 – Life University (Life U) celebrated 91 students at a Clinic Gateway ceremony on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at the Cobb Galleria Centre. The event marked a milestone for the students as they begin the clinical phase of their educations.
MLK Jr. Day
On January 15, 1929, a legend was born in this very special place – Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King Jr. came into the world that day and has made a lasting impact on society. King held a strong belief that all men are created equal and should enjoy the same rights and privileges.
Faces of LIFE- Dr. Jo Lobertini
Dr. Jo Lobertini is the Associate Dean of Online Education at Life University (Life U). She is a fresh face to the Life U community, having just come on board about five months ago. However, Dr. Lobertini already feels welcomed by staff and students at Life U and since the very beginning has felt that Life U is “her people.”
A Quick Plea for Audiobooks
Before getting to our topic for today, let me ask you a simple question. Does the idea of someone reading you a story appeal to you? Simply put, today’s topic is that audiobooks are a great hobby to get into and people’s lives are a little brighter when they are both learning and engaged in a story.
New Years Resolutions
Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? As a followup question, do you actually remember what your resolution was last year? While following through on or even just making a New Year’s resolution isn’t by any means necessary, it is a nice little practice to try to harness the momentum of the calendar turning over and to use that power to shape ourselves into healthier and happier people.
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