Register for Lesson 1 HERE!
Life University and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (UNESCO MGIEP) are inviting the world’s youth (18-34 year olds) to join in the launch of a lesson on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This first lesson is on “Calming Body and Mind” and is from LIFE’s Compassionate Integrity Training (CIT) course which cultivates skills such as empathy, mindfulness and compassion so that youth are well-equipped to contribute toward the development of peaceful and sustainable societies.
Registration for the “Calming Body and Mind” virtual lesson from CIT opened August 12, the United Nation’s International Day of Youth, and the lesson launches September 21, 2020 (International Day of Peace and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations) as we aim to build the world’s largest course in SEL.
Register for Lesson 1: “Calming Body and Mind” HERE!
Watch Below:
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