Shay Coffey
Go After Your Purpose
Staff: Postgraduate Programs Coordinator
May 2020
Shay Coffey is the Programs Coordinator for the Postgraduate Department at Life University. She was previously working in college admissions and enjoyed working in education. But in the end, she wanted to do something a little bit different. When Coffey applied to LIFE, she felt like it was just a good fit. “I feel like when you are searching for something you just know. You can chase money, you can chase ambition, you can chase positions,” explained Coffey, “but if you are really going after your purpose and looking for some place where you belong, it brings its own rewards.”
As someone who’s family was in the military, Coffey moved around a lot. “I am from everywhere. I am a military brat, and my home base, if I had to pick, would be Pensacola, Florida because that is where the bulk of my family lives. I never really stayed anywhere more than five years.” Coffey said. “Atlanta, Georgia is the place I have lived the longest, for fourteen years, and is my personal home.”
Coffey started working at LIFE in October 2018. “I just felt like I belonged. I had another job offer, but this is the one I took based on the feeling that I felt during the interview.” Coffey said. “I don’t regret that decision at all; I feel like this is where I was supposed to be. I absolutely love it, and I feel like I have learned so much since I’ve been here.”
“I call my department the ‘Fall CE Department,’” Coffey said. “we obviously do a lot more than that, but it is our department’s primary goal, and we also do continuing education for chiropractors.” The department sponsors programs and works with outside chiropractors for programs that they may want to put on, and they apply to the state boards for approval. They process those approvals and send out the attendance forms. “So, I almost feel like I am the continuing education registrar,” Coffey explained.
Coffey doesn’t get out of her office much when she is working, which is why she often tries to do a lot of events and workshops that LIFE offers to do her best to meet other people on campus throughout the year. “I spend my days reading through these programs and work with the doctors to let them know whether or not the board will approve their proposals,” Coffey said. “I am on the phone debating with other doctors on the number of hours they received and audit requests to state boards.”
Coffey’s advice to students is to follow your own path and get involved. “Don’t get caught up in where your friends are going or what other people may think is the best thing for you. Following your own path will always lead you to where you want to be.” Coffey said. “Sometimes the journey is going to be longer, shorter or a full circle, but follow that path because it is your life and you only get this time once.”
When it comes to getting involved and building relationships, the start is being brave enough to say hello and start talking to someone. “I love the philosophy that LIFE has where if you walk by someone, you speak,” shared Coffey. “Every relationship starts with that first conversation. A couple of hellos can lead to a lunch, and a lunch can lead to a lifetime friendship.”
Faces of LIFE is a story campaign that showcases members of the dynamic LIFE community, including faculty/staff, students, alumni and health science professionals. Interested in being featured or nominating a candidate? E-mail Natalie.Esparza@LIFE.edu. Read more Faces of LIFE stories.
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