
Category: Slice of LIFE

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CGUS, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

How an emotional personal health journey led to empathy, with Phenix Cowart- Podcast

Phenix Cowart is a young lady that excudes optimism and positivity, which is an admirable outlook given her personal health battles related to a leukemia diagnosis. Cowart is a B.S in Dietetics student at Life U who has a profound interest in how proper nutrition can improve health outcomes. In the midst of hardships related to her health, Cowart has noted that she has learned a fair amount about patient emotions and the need to be empathetic which she will carry with her in her desired career as a Registered Dietitian.

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Slice of LIFE

Don’t Mock the Mocktail- Sober Drink Choices That Still Rock the Party

If you are an adult that doesn’t care to drink, taking a break from drinking or serving as the designated driver, you still want fun beverage options that go beyond plain water or soda. During 2020, there was a bit of a surge of alcohol sales that has since tapered off and in fact the ever-more health-conscious consuming public has begun to turn to no- and low-alcohol beverages.

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Athletics, CGUS, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Staying on Track: Track & Field, Physical Therapy Career Goals and more with Brianna Florvilus- Podcast

Brianna Florvilus is always on the move. As an M.S. in Sport Health Science student and a member of the Life U Women’s Track and Field team, Florvilus is working hard to make her career goals to become a physical therapist a reality. She discusses her interest in Injury prevention and the aspects of the physical therapy profession that she enjoys in this podcast.

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Slice of LIFE

Building good money-saving habits as a college student

Financial literacy can make a big impact on your life and your future success, paving the way to achieving your most desirable goals. Learning how to properly save money as a college student is a major part of that journey, and the hardest part is figuring out where to start.