Sparking Inspiration With Computer Science Podcasts
Keeping up with the latest tech talk is something of a daunting task. For Life University (Life U) B.S. in Computer Information Systems and Technology students, it’s vital to stay up to date on major changes in a field that is constantly experiencing reinvention and…
Research Series- Harnessing Data for Knowledge of Pregnancy Outcomes with Lauren Bruss – Podcast
Pregnancy can be a tumultuous and anxiety-ridden time for mothers-to-be. Can chiropractic make that process any easier and even possibly positively affect birth outcomes? That is the question that Lauren Bruss, D.C. student and RISE scholar, seeks to explore in her research project through Life University. This special research series is co-hosted by Erin Gilligan, Project Coordinator of Research & Scholarly Activity.
Stay Sharp Online and Beyond: Common Scams College Students Should Know to Avoid
College can be a confusing and stressful period in a person’s life. Unfortunately, unscrupulous people often take advantage of college students through increasingly conniving means, so it’s best to have an idea of what you are potentially up against.
Faces of LIFE: Amy Richmond
Education has been a top priority in Amy Richmond’s life, as she has completed a bachelor’s program, a master’s program, a doctoral program and now, professional degree program as a Doctor of Chiropractic student at Life University (Life U). Richmond worked in college sports medicine as an athletic trainer for almost a decade.
Campus Dietetics in Action with Cathy Tillery – Podcast
Figuring out the best ways to help Life University students and student athletes learn how to eat well is a full time job. Campus Dietitian Cathy Tillery explains the challenges that many students in the Life U community face as many of them are learning for the first time how to manage their own dietary needs.
Don’t be Salty: How to Cut Back on Sodium
Sodium (salt) is a delicious and sneaky mineral that is fine in moderation, but like many good things in life, too much of it can spell trouble for your health and nutrition. It can be really easy to consume excessive amounts of salt if you don’t pay attention to what you are eating, especially if you habitually buy processed foods or hit up the drive-thru. Let’s take control with some healthy habits for reduced salt intake.
Celebrating Graduate and Undergraduate Programs with Brandi Sharp – Podcast
Brandi Sharp, Admissions Counselor and B.S. in Biopsychology student, spreads Lasting Purpose and the mission of Life University’s vitalistic philosophy to high school students looking for their next steps. Sharp discusses the joy of that process and what keeps her going.
Metabolism Boosters
Ever have a friend that seems to burn food calories off as soon as they have finished eating? Some people seem to be born with the best metabolisms, but there are some handy ways that you can boost yours.
Finding the Beauty in Chiropractic Technique & Analysis with Dr. Sherterica Hall – Podcast
Dr. Sherterica Hall, Assistant Professor of Chiropractic Technique and Analysis, is a Life U D.C. alumna who has been in her students’ shoes. Today’s conversation touches on many fascinating points, including many different avenues, approaches and specializations that Chiropractic can take. Dr. Hall’s advice is to explore and be open to the possibility of a new passion or path.
Career and Job Networking- A College Student’s Starter Guide
If success is often determined by who you know, then it might be time to get to know the right people in whatever industry or profession you are interested in. Often, however, the biggest obstacle to effective job networking is simply knowing where to start….
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