Going Green on Halloween? How to be Eco-Conscious with Holiday Decorating
Here at Life University (Life U), we are all about positive impact and how to leave the world better than we found it. We even have an amazing B.A. in Human Ecology program focused entirely on studying an awareness and advocacy around the 21st century’s pressing complex social and environmental problems. This effects even how we might approach fun and seemingly frivolous activities, such as Halloween.
Creating balance as student athletes, embracing diversity, academic rigor and growth with Stan Vandierendonck – Podcast
Stan Vandierendonck is a shining example of the dedication and passion exhibited among many of Life University’s International students. Vandierendonck is from Belgium, and he sincerely enjoys the rich diversity of many of the soccer teams he has played on, having the privilege to play alongside people from all over the world and Life University (Life U) is no different. Vandierendonck currently serves on the Life U Men’s Soccer team as Captain and as a mid-fielder. He is currently completing a B.S in Interdisciplinary Studies, and he has previously received degrees as a B.S in Psychology and a B.S in Computer Information Systems and Technology (CIST).
Unpacking ASMR: What exactly is it, and is it an effective sleep or relaxation tool?
You probably heard of ASMR in passing, but it can be a little hard to explain for those that haven’t experienced it. It is commonly used in a similar fashion to white noise or nature sounds to promote relaxation and/or to lull a restless mind into sleep.
Psychology and leadership through a positive and holistic approach, with Dr. Michael Amos – Podcast
Dr. Michael D. Amos, PsyD, PCC., is a doctor of psychology, author, speaker, executive coach, and entrepreneur. At Life University, he serves as a Professor of Undergraduate Psychology. He is the founder of Renovatio Leadership Institute, a training institute for the development of Optimal human performance and self-leadership development.
Soccer, Studies and Athletic Analysis with Matheus Brandao – Podcast
Soccer is more than just a sport, it is something of a way of life for the dedicated players and fans here at Life U and farther afield. Matheus Brandao is early on in his career, trying to see how to turn his commitment to sports and athletics analysis into a lifelong professional passion. He currently serves as a Graduate Assistant for Life U Men’s Soccer, while completing his studies as a B.S in Computer Information Systems and Technology (CIST) student.
Living that Dorm Life? Helpful Hints for a Happy Roommate Relationship
College typically means major life transitions, and one huge aspect of that revolves around living spaces. This is especially true for students living in a dormitory environment for the first time. Life’s Village Retreat and The Commons residence halls both offer stellar accommodations and a great sense of community, but it can still be daunting to share space and learn how to get along with new people in close quarters.
Reconfiguring the collegiate landscape, looking at how to better welcome ‘non-traditional’ students
One delightful aspect of the Life University (Life U) student body makeup is the fact that we support students from all different walks of life. For example, as recorded in the Fall 2022 Annual University Fact Book, 67 percent of Life U students are pursuing…
Translating Military Service Skills to Civilian Life and Chiropractic with Dustin Biggerstaff – Podcast
Chiropractic and care for active military servicemen, women and veterans has been intertwined for many years. In fact, many people are first introduced to the benefits of chiropractic through first experiencing it through care received during military service. That was the case for Dustin Biggerstaff, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who is now a Life U D.C. student. Biggerstaff discusses the adjustment and transitionary period into the civilian workforce that is often very jarring for veterans, as well as how chiropractic has helped his life personally and now professionally.
Cut out the noise! Hearing Protection Tips
Listen up. It’s not easy to quiet the world when you live, work and study in close quarters with fellow college students. However, hearing loss is a common and often debilitating problem that is relatively simple enough to prevent but very difficult to correct once the damage is already done. Take some measures now to drown out the noise. Your ears will thank you.
Building on Blair Upper Cervical Technique with Dr. Charmaine Herman – Podcast
Dr. Charmaine Herman, Professor of Clinical Sciences, speaks at length about Blaire Upper Cervical Technique and how it can improve patient outcomes. She is club advisor for the Blair UC Technique Club and the Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA). Dr. Herman is a board member for the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and was awarded a Fellow of the ICA in April 2023.
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