
Category: Research

Depression And Social Media
Research, Slice of LIFE

The Relationship Between Depression, Healthy Lifestyle & Social Media

A study was recently published surrounding the relationship between depression, healthy lifestyle behaviors and internet addiction in a university-aged student population. Titled “The relationship between depression, healthy lifestyle behaviors and internet addiction: a cross-sectional study of the athlete university students in Turkey”, this compelling study conducted by Frontiers in Psychology demonstrates interesting parallels related to athletic participation, depression and internet overuse.

Lauren Big Blog
Chiropractic, Podcast, Research, Slice of LIFE

Research Series- Harnessing Data for Knowledge of Pregnancy Outcomes with Lauren Bruss – Podcast

Pregnancy can be a tumultuous and anxiety-ridden time for mothers-to-be. Can chiropractic make that process any easier and even possibly positively affect birth outcomes? That is the question that Lauren Bruss, D.C. student and RISE scholar, seeks to explore in her research project through Life University. This special research series is co-hosted by Erin Gilligan, Project Coordinator of Research & Scholarly Activity.

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May 23, 2023 – Marietta, Georgia – The International Chiropractic Association announced that Dr. Charmaine Herman, a Life University (Life U) Professor in the Clinical Sciences Department, was inducted as a new ICA Fellow. Dr. Herman was among 10 honorees who were recognized at the ICA annual convention on April 22, 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“The ICA is proud to have these individuals as leaders in our community and as ambassadors of Chiropractic to the wider world. We thank them for their years of service and will continue to support them in their chiropractic endeavors,” remarked the ICA on their official website.