From Functional Medicine Chiropractic Patient to Future Practitioner with Aaron Strickland – Podcast
Get in a room of chiropractic students and ask them what first interested them in pursuing Chiropractic, and chances are good that many of them will come back with an extraordinary story of healing through Chiropractic that inspired them to dig deeper. That was the case for Aaron Strickland, diagnosed at a young age with chronic lung disease and other health issues that traditional medicine was not helping much with. Eventually he met with a functional medicine chiropractor who over time was able to help relieve these conditions. Now Strickland is headed into his PEAK internship to learn more about how to help others like himself in a hands-on way.
Psychology, Chiropractic and Student Ambassadors with Dr. Lisa Rubin – Podcast
You don’t have to be a chiropractor to be a champion for Chiropractic. Dr. Lisa Rubin has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and she is a licensed clinical psychologist and professional counselor who has worked in a variety of clinic settings. Dr. Rubin joined the Life U family in 2001 along with her husband Dr. Drew Rubin. Dr. Lisa Rubin is an adjunct faculty member in the College of Chiropractic who teaches Psychology to future chiropractors, among other things.
Revamping Physiological Therapeutics and Sport Health Science, with Karen Pfeifer – Podcast
Karen Pfeifer has worked in a number of sports related careers, as a athletic trainer, an administrator and as an educator at different and overlapping points. She currently teaches Physiological Therapeutics courses in the Master of Sport Health Science and Doctor of Chiropractic programs. Our Sports Health Science department is currently examining the best possible ways to get students career ready in the future, which could lead to some exciting changes.
Let’s Get Functional: Functional Neurology, Peer Tutoring and more with Chandler Willey – Podcast
The brain is a funny thing, an organ that we will never fully grasp but the more we that we learn, the better we can help it to function most effectively. Chandler Willey is a D.C. student planning to become a Functional Neurology chiropractor, often shadowing at the NeuroLIFE Institute to gain a fuller picture of how the brain and the body communicate. Listen in as we learn more about this fascinating field.
Life University Marketing Students Experience Behind-The-Scenes Campus Podcast Studio Tour
Recently on May 24, 2024, Dr. Paula Billups’ Introduction to Business Class received a special opportunity to tour Life University’s (Life U) state-of-the-art Podcast studio, where the flagship Living Life at Life U podcast and various audio and/or visual projects are recorded.
Investing in the community through business and education with Ronald Ware – Podcast
By his own admission, Ronald Ware wears many hats at Life University. He and his wife Dr. Mamie Brown-Ware have served the University for over three decades and counting. Ronald has a profound mind for business which he shares readily in his classroom and as a mentor.
Young women leading an emerging Women’s Lacrosse program, with Annslee Warchol – Podcast
Lacrosse is a newer sport at Life University, only in its second season for the Life U Women’s Lacrosse team. It’s a gritty sport that demands drive and dedication from its players, qualities that Annslee Warchol has in spades. As an B.S. in Exercise Science student on the cusp of graduation, she faces her future head on with a smile on her face and a lacrosse stick clasped firmly in both hands.
Researching the Art of the Adjustment with Dr. Brent Russell – Podcast
Dr. Brent Russell is something of an institution here at Life University, first as an alumnus, then as a Faculty Clinician and now as a Research Professor that wears many hats for the Research Department. He leads the team that conducts research on “The Art of the Adjustment”, with the overarching goal of contributing to a breadth of research knowledge on what is exactly going on during an adjustment, how much force is involved and the potential benefits etc. The Palpation and Adjustment Trainer (PAT) became a big piece of that equation during the Covid 19 pandemic and beyond, and continues to be a tool with immense research and student practice capabilities.
Appreciating Student Athlete Life while Preparing for a New World, with Nigel Hepburn- Podcast
Nigel Hepburn is a Life U Men’s Track and Field athlete and an B.A. in Environment and Sustainability student. He talks about how he enjoys the camaraderie he has built with this teammates, as well as traveling with the team (even as he misses the comforts of his cozy Life U dorm.) As a sprinter, he is used to moving fasting but in his life he is trying to slow down and enjoy where he is at before having to move on to the next phase.
Gaining Leverage through Pole Vault, with Megan Judge – Podcast
Megan Judge is a D.C. student and Women’s Track and Field Team member. Her signature event type is pole vault, a segment of track and field that Life U has not had as much traction in. She chats about what drove her to the sport and what drives her now, personally, academically and beyond.
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