
Tag: Research

1b fnl new living life press release header artwork lifeu david apr2020
Academic News, ACCRAC, Chiropractic, Complementary Healthcare Advanced Research & Leadership Institute (CHARLI), Conferences, DC Program, Education, ...


Marietta, Georgia – January 21, 2025 – For this year’s Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference (ACCRAC) held in New Orleans, chiropractors from across the country will convene to discuss and explore questions surrounding chiropractic education.

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CGUS, Faculty/Staff, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Chemistry with Heart, with Dr. Robin Nelson – Podcast

Sometimes it can seem like Life University’s (Life U) Graduate and Chiropractic programs get more than their fair share of attention, but our University also offers unique and vigorous Undergraduate programs. Dr. Robin Nelson, Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences, is the chemistry queen here at Life U, teaching General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, required for many undergraduate degrees and beyond. She discusses the differences of teaching in the past at a large school (Auburn University) versus the more holistic environment of Life U.

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Chiropractic, Podcast, Slice of LIFE

Research as a means to address deep questions, with Dr. Christie Kwon – Podcast

Dr. Christie Kwon has been exploring various paths of meaningful research for much of her career. She is a full-time faculty member and Research Chair at Life University, among other vital roles inside and outside of the University. Today she joins this special research series with Dr. Veronica Garcia-Chapparo and co-host Erin Gilligan to discuss the importance of defining what questions a researcher would personally like to have answered, as a personal connection to a research topic makes the task that much more tangible.