Trivia – How Much Caffeine Should You Have?
Today we are going to take a quick look at what is considered a safe limit for caffeine intake just for a little perspective.
Faces of LIFE – Shani Tyson
Shani Tyson is currently studying Business Administration at Life University. She was born and raised in California.
Diversity in Organizations (2019) Speaker Series
In February 2019, Dr. Thompson invited three speakers to discuss local, regional and global diversity and how it impacts the business world.
Emotional Support Animals
But in my experience, there is really only one true crowd-pleaser in a boring Zoom meeting‒that’s right, it’s when a pet gets on camera.
The Use of PAT at Life University Proves a Success!
Behind every great innovation is a question that needs solving. For us at Life University, that question was simple: how can we train as many future doctors of chiropractic as possible without sacrificing our standards of excellence or safety? This is the driving force behind Life University’s technique lab of the future. It guides all of our research and every development.
Marietta, Georgia, August 20, 2021 – Life University (Life U) alumna and faculty member Dr. Christie Kwon was presented the 2021 Researcher of the Year Award last Saturday, August 14 from the International Chiropractic Association’s (ICA) Upper Cervical Council. Dr. Kwon was chosen as the recipient of this award by the council  from a group of nominees.
Faces of LIFE – Allison Foley
Allison Foley started her academic career intending to go into nursing, but she had a change of heart after enjoying a Nutrition class.
Hydration Station: 9 Reasons Why Water is Important to Human Health
August is here, and so is the heat of summer! While we are beginning to make plans with friends again and get out into the sun, it’s important to remember
Did you know Life U’s Compassionate Integrity Training was Recommended for all University Students in India?
A self-directed learning (SDL) version of Compassionate Integrity Training (CIT), developed by the Life University (Life U) Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics (CCISE), has been recommended for all university students in India by its Ministry of Education, according to CCISE Associate Director Dr. Michael Karlin.
Faces of LIFE – Keanya Harris
Keanya Harris is an Academic Support Coordinator in the Student Success Center at Life University. She was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, and her family is from the South as well. Her mother is from Mobile, Alabama, and all her family is tight-knit and live in Georgia. She has had the opportunity to work at Kennesaw State University as well as Southern Polytechnic before the merge.
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