Appreciating Chiropractic Assistants and Their Vital Role in the Profession
Do you want to know if the chiropractic profession is right for you, but you’re not sure yet about enrolling in a D.C. program? A great way to answer this question is to consider working as a Chiropractic Assistant (CA).
Faces of Life – Cheyanne Nance-Butler
Community involvement and making a positive difference means a lot to Cheyanne Nance-Butler. From the beginning of her time here at Life U, she has strived to give back in excellence and out of abundance. Nance-Butler grew up in Portland, Oregon with her brother and her mom. She made her way to Life U by way of South Carolina and a fateful chiropractic assistant position that inspired her to pursue a chiropractic career.
My 1st Quarter: Cheyanne Nance-Butler
If I had to give myself advice as a high school student, I would say just keep doing what you’re doing. In high school I was very determined; I had a game plan in mind, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. So, stay the course, but be open to different career paths.
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