Welcome to Life University’s Recipes for LIFE, where we bring you delicious glimpses into the culinary world! Today, we’re tantalizing your taste buds with a flavorful exploration of Asian cuisine. Picture this: healthy edamame with luscious fresh spinach and watercress with a heightened kick of cilantro and fresh ginger. Whisk in some sesame oil, honey for sweetness and add a few more delightful flavors, and your crunchy greens are transformed into a delectable meal. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, this dish is sure to impress with its simplicity and depth of flavor.

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Recipe: Asian Green Salad

With Edamame and Sesame-Soy Vinaigrette 

Recipe by Denise Pickett-Bernard, Ph.D., RDN, LDN



1 bag spinach

1 bunch watercress

2 C shelled edamame, cooked

3 scallions thinly sliced

1/3 bunch cilantro

1 T sesame seeds

3 T low-sodium soy sauce

1 T coconut

2 T honey ginger vinegar

2 T honey

3 T sesame oil

1/2 C olive oil

1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and smashed

1/8 t kosher salt

4 turns fresh ground pepper



 Mix all ingredients together with a whisk. Place all salad ingredients in a bowl except for the edamame. Toss with dressing and mound on plates. Place edamame in the bowl and toss with dressing. Place a generous scoop onto each salad.