Student LIFEforce

LIFEforce is a tribe of chiropractic advocates that are committed to making on impact with Life U in spreading principled Chiropractic, Vitalism and Lasting Purpose around the world. Student LIFEforce (SLF) is an extension of LIFEforce, involving Life U students who are passionate about Chiropractic and feel called to support Life U by sending students to the University and shifting the healthcare paradigm in the world. These are student leaders on Life U’s campus who truly embody Lasting Purpose: to give, to do, to love, to serve, out of their own abundance, and in all aspects of their lives. They serve in many voluntary capacities including as Assembly Hosts, in the Giving Garden, by connecting with other clubs and organizations on campus. and by hosting weekly meetings. They also connect with our LIFEforce Tribe Members by building meaningful connections and spread the chiropractic message to others in their communities. These SLF leaders are committed to growth; developing their leadership and chiropractic skills; and, upon graduation, transitioning to LIFEforce Doctors. LIFEforce is for everyone, our Alumni AND Friends. Our mission statement is simple: We will not stop until everyone on the planet has access to chiropractic care and a chiropractic education if they so choose. Student LIFEforce Strong!


List of Student LIFEforce as of April 2024

Alex Bilter

Luke Burnett

Natalia Cabral

Jordy Carlé

Rylie Christy

Macy Cummins

Kieara Dawson

Elizabeth Driscoll

Maria Figueroa

Sunshine (Ashley) Linton

Alexis Luttrell

Austin McClellan

Khyle Mingo

Valerie Odorico

Marsha Phelima

Gamalis Quinones

Gracie Renner

Melanie Reyes Margolla

KC Stevens

Nina Sutton

Leah Sweet

Noah Williamson

Amber Douglass

Milan Losagio

Nurayn Faris

Rachel Liming

Alexis Holland

Chrysanthi Rodriguez

Peyton Henyon


Student Ambassadors

They want to share their excitement and passion for the role they serve on and off campus under the Executive office and working directly with President Dr. Rob Scott.

Student Ambassadors: Are an honorary group of students who participate in public relations activities for Life University.

Purpose: Is to represent the vision of Life University under the President’s Office

by serving as the liaison to prospective students, leaders in healthcare professions and the greater community.

Mission: To promote the vision, growth and quality of Life University by optimizing the experience of current students, prospective students and special guests.

Vision: To inspire millions about their own lives while seeking opportunities to serve out of abundance and love.

Believe: In fulfilling Lasting Purpose while upholding the Life Core Proficiencies.


List of Students Ambassadors as of April 2024

Sherybel Berrios Ramos

Elijah Voyles

Catherine Clement

Cortney Blake

Kathleen (Katie) Kim

Kaira Rodriguez Benitez

Madelyn Hinrichs

Cade Stucky

Jodeci Ybarra

Christian Figueroa

Patrick Rushing

Farrah Bowman

Sarai Camacho

Kiley Madore

Paris Paige

Steven Orbe