Marietta, Georgia, October 24, 2019 – The Alumni Association of Life University is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2019 Annual Recognition Awards.
Through their professional accomplishments and personal service, fourteen honorees were selected as representatives of professional success, social contribution and cultural change. These outstanding individuals were honored at the Lasting Purpose Recognition Lunch held during our 2019 Fall CElebration Event on Life University’s campus.
This year’s recipients are:
• Christina B. Gray, D.C. – Chiropractor of the Year Award
– An individual who has made significant contributions to the chiropractic profession and leads the way for other doctors and patients.
Dr. Gray has served the chiropractic profession and her community without reproach for the last 25 years. During the hurricanes that devastated many communities on the eastern seaboard a couple years ago, she dedicated hundreds, if not thousands, of hours serving those affected. She is recognized by many, and certainly by us, as a true hero.
• Roy W. Sweat, D.C. – Lifetime Achievement Award
-A lifetime of lasting purpose and dedication to the Chiropractic profession and Life University.
Dr. Sweat has been in practice for 69 years. As a spry and “sharp-as-a-tac” 92-year-old, he said: “I was born to be a chiropractor and will serve until my last breath. Why would I not come to the office every day and serve people? That’s what I was put on earth to do.” He is the founder of Atlas Orthogonal, in addition to being a true friend to Chancellor Dr. Guy Riekeman and Life University.
• Andrew H. Krantz, D.C. – Distinguished Alumnus Award
-Honors a Life University alumnus who has reached the pinnacle of success in his career and has brought credit to themselves and to Life University.
Dr. Krantz, a 1978 Life University alumnus, remains in active practice after 41 years of service. In addition, he is a Senior Professor of Clinical Sciences at Life University.
• Zachary Voyce, D.C. – Young Alumnus Award
-Honors a young Life University alumnus, who has graduated within the last 10 years, for their outstanding professional and community achievements.
Dr. Voyce is a Life University Class of 2013 alumnus and a member of our LIFEForce tribe. He practices at The Aims Clinic in East Brunswick, New Jersey.
• Roger Grim, D.C. – Honorary Alumnus Award
-Honors a friend of Life University who has reached the pinnacle of their individual career and life success, including making a measurable difference in their profession, community and at Life University.
Dr. Grim is known by many as the last known chiropractor to be jailed for sharing the truth of Chiropractic. He has traveled the world sharing the message of hope through Chiropractic, as well as people’s right to get and stay well. He has honored the principles of ChiropracTIC for 46 years.
• Stephanie Sullivan, D.C., PhD – Honorary University Advancement Team Award
-Honors a faculty or staff member who exemplifies his/her pride for LIFE through assisting the advancement team and securing donations.
Dr. Sullivan is a class of 2008 alumna and the Director of the Dr. Sid E. Williams Center for Chiropractic Research at Life University. In addition to being a chiropractor, she recently completed her Ph.D. in neuroscience. She leads an exceptional team and is always ready to support fundraising initiatives and introduce our team to potential donors.
• Jay Zimmerman, D.C. – Lasting Purpose: To Give Award
-Honors the individual who has demonstrated a notable increase in giving or an expansion of their giving to Life University.
Dr. Zimmerman is from the Life University Class of 1987 and practices in Galloway, New Jersey. He is a humble giver. In addition to being a LIFEforce member, he is a diehard rugger who consistently contributes time, talent and treasure to our rugby program.
• Dean DePice, D.C. – Lasting Purpose: To Do Award
-Honors an individual who contributes time, talent and treasure to Life University and the chiropractic profession.
Dr. DePice is a Class of 1987 alumnus, a member of our LIFEforce tribe and a recent President’s Circle member. He and his wife, also a LIFE graduate, have bequested a major gift to the University and have their names on our Legacy Wall. In addition, just recently, they contributed to the Generations Wall.
• Sandra S. Elbaum, D.C. – Lasting Purpose: To Love Award
-Honors individuals who exemplified the highest level of pride and love for Life University.
Dr. Elbaum is a Class of 1990 alumna who has been in practice with her husband Dr. Adam Elbaum for 28 years. Two of their children are also chiropractors and LIFE graduates. She a member of LIFEForce, a member of the President’s Circle and a Trustee on the Life University Board.
• Brian A Stenzler, M.S., D.C. – Lasting Purpose: To Serve Award
-Honors the individual who has been a beacon for Life University in their service to their community and our profession.
Dr. Stenzler is a Life University Class of 1998 alumnus, as well as a member of LIFEForce and the President’s Circle. He has practiced on both coasts and is currently practicing in San Diego, California. He has served the profession on numerous boards, including the Chiropractic Congress (formerly known as The Congress of Chiropractic Sate Associations), and is the past president of the California Chiropractic Association.
• Ricardo D. Alvarez López, D.C. & Yadimar Cabrera Marte – LIFEforce Will Not Stop Award
-Honors the individual(s) who exemplified the highest level of commitment to the mission of LIFEforce.
This year’s honoree (Dr. Lopez and Mrs. Marte) is a husband and wife team. Dr. Lopez is a 2011 LIFE alumnus. Together with his wife, they founded Caribbean Wellness Center in Hatillo, Puerto Rico. They have been collaborating with Life University hosting recruiting events around the island since 2012.
• Stuart Bernsen – Philanthropy Award
-Honors an individual who has made a significant impact to Life University through their financial contributions.
Recently Dr. Bernsen named Life University as a beneficiary of his charitable remainder trust. When realized, this will be a seven-figure gift. He is not a LIFE graduate, but he chose to support LIFE because of our steadfast vision and commitment to Chiropractic and humanity. He is the co-founder of Chiro One Wellness Centers whose home office is in the Chicago area, with dozens of additional offices in multiple states.
• James Gregg, D.C. – Legacy Award
-An Individual who has given to LIFE through planned giving.
A graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic, Dr. Gregg continues to practice after almost 50 years of service to his community. He was a Life University Board of Trustee member for more than 10 years, and this July he was the first Board Member to be appointed Board Member Emeritus in the history of Life University. He is a member of the Life University Legacy Society, the President’s Circle as well as The Elite 150, contributing to the building of Lupo Family Field. He practices with his son James at Gregg Chiropractic Life Center in Garden City, Michigan.
• Paul D. Weeks, D.C. – LIFEforce – Impact Award
-A new LIFEforce Tribe Member who has hit the ground running since they joined. They jumped right in!
This year’s honoree has had a 21-year love affair with Chiropractic and says he still wakes up every morning on purpose and on fire. Dr. Weeks is a 1998 Life University alumnus and has been the owner of Dothan Spine and Specialty since 2004. He is a member of the Life University President’s Circle at the Advocate level and a very active member of our LIFEforce tribe. He recently said: “My association to LIFEforce and Life University are very special. Whatever time, money and effort that I have given to the school has come back many times over.”
Dr. Gilles LaMarche, Life University’s Vice President of University Advancement, says, “We are so privileged that these honorees offer such comprehensive support to Life University, both in their time and effort, as well as through their generous financial donations. We thank each and every one for their support!”
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