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Marietta, Georgia, January 9, 2020 – “We will not stop until every person has access to chiropractic care.”

This is more than a slogan at Life University, and there is no one who exemplifies this commitment more than our Chancellor, Dr. Guy Riekeman. His career, spawning 50 years, started with learning how to communicate Chiropractic in a small reception room at his private practice in Kansas City. Perfect it he did, as today we know him as one of the best spokespersons for our profession.

He left practice to teach philosophy and X-ray at a new start-up college, Sherman. Then, he created the first ever video programs in 1977 to educate patients, which spurred him to attend film school where he used the training he received when called upon by the Profession’s Centennial Committee to produce the Documentary, “From Simple Beginnings,” which aired on national television three times in 1995. Shortly after, he created the largest practice management company, QUEST, before joining Palmer as President in 1998. There, he revitalized Palmer and gained a profession-wide voice and influence while developing the first chiropractic program in South America in Brazil.

In 2004, Dr. Riekeman joined Life U as President. The team he developed and lead, along with a supportive and engaged Board of Trustees, didn’t just rebuild Life U, but literally created a new Life U that included the largest chiropractic program in the world, a unique and world-class undergraduate department, as well as a fast growing and dynamic graduate program. In 2006, Dr. Riekeman’s creativity produced a most ambitious Strategic Plan, the 2020 Plan. This year sees the successful completion of this 14-year, $100 million plan that has included capital development, student housing, cafés, classrooms, sports facilities and testing centers, as well as programmatic development and unique, nationally recognized projects such as our educational programs in Lee Arrendale Women’s Prison, which are reshaping lives.

When questioned about the next phase of his life, Dr. Riekeman stated, “I have spent my entire chiropractic life working to give every adult, child and expecting mom the opportunity to understand and have access to Chiropractic. That will not change for the rest of my life, but it will absolutely focus on a worldview and not just a North American venture.”

Dr. Kevin Fogarty, representing the Board of Trustees as well as the Life U Community, stated, “We want to acknowledge Dr. Riekeman’s contribution to Chiropractic and Life U in 2020 along with unfolding to the Life U Family and profession the 2040 Strategic Plan he and the team have been developing.”

Dr. Riekeman’s appointment became effective January 1, 2020. The public aspect of recognizing and celebrating Dr. Riekeman’s profound contribution to Life U will be focused around the University’s Fall CElebration, October 1-3, 2020. At that time, the 2040 Plan for the future of Chiropractic and Life U will be unveiled. The University will be naming the CCE building for Dr. Riekeman, and we will have the celebratory party of the decade. Mark your calendars to join us in acknowledging Dr. Riekeman’s contribution to your life and our profession as he marks this transition from a leadership role to Chancellor Emeritus.