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Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Ave Marshall

B.S. in Exercise Science alumna and current D.C. student, President of Alpha Delta Upsilon sorority, Life U Cheerleader “Chiropractic Sisterhood”   New Orleans native Ave Marshall and her family relocated to Stone Mountain, Georgia in 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Marshall is the…

My 1st Quarter, Slice of LIFE

My First Quarter- Keely Nguyen

I would honestly say it’s the close friend group that I made. I made all my best friends at orientation. We are all still really close now. But because I was part of the ‘Covid Quarter,’ I had classes completely online. So, I didn’t get the full Life University (Life U) first-quarter experience, but because I had all of them in my cohort going through the D.C. program, they made my first quarter more memorable because we got to study together, [sit] through lectures together. It created a really great sense of community even though we weren’t in classes on the ground.

Alumni, Chiropractic, Faces of LIFE, FACES of LIFE FRIDAY, Slice of LIFE

Faces of LIFE- Dr. Selina Sigafoose-Jackson

The Sigafoose Family is synonymous with Life University (Life U). Dr. Selina Sigafoose-Jackson’s parents, Dr. Jim Sigafoose and Patsy Sigafoose, are both co-founders of Life U. Their daughter continued the family tradition, graduating from the College of Chiropractic program at Life U in September 1989. Sigafoose-Jackson was born and raised in York County, Pennsylvania and never expected that she would end up back there, but that is exactly where she and her husband Dr. Kevin Jackson have lived since moving from Florida some 31 years ago.

Slice of LIFE

Club Spotlight: Blair Upper Cervical Technique Club

The Blair Upper Cervical (Blair UC) Technique is a specific system of analyzing and adjusting the upper cervical vertebrae of the spinal column. These vertebrae can misalign in such a way as to interfere with the brainstem and spinal cord as they exit through the skull into the neural canal. Special attention is given to the first two cervical vertebrae, the atlas and axis, as they are the most freely moveable vertebrae in the spinal column and the ones most commonly misaligned.